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Everything posted by Alex

  1. I think it was a no-brainer from the pov of Joshua's management team. At some stage in his career he has to take risks and although he hasn't fought anyone elite, he's got a crack at the IBF belt against a bloke who hasn't fought anyone elite either and is also completely unproven. It's a chance in a lifetime fighting someone like that for a proper Heavyweight world title and he needed to start fighting top 10 opponents anyway soon. He's about the level of fighter they would've been looking at anyway in the next fight or two if they were serious about fighting next year against whoever wins the Fury/Klitschko rematch. It just so happens this opponent is a world champion by a quirk of fate (there's no way he would've been if Fury hadn't won then vacated the IBF belt).
  2. Given the line they took with Jimmy Carr et al and how that was 'morally wrong' then the legality or otherwise shouldn't matter that much. It's almost like they're a bunch of lying hypocrites.
  3. It's canny steep like but it's an exciting British fighter going for the a World Heavyweight crown so it's a huge fight in UK terms.
  4. Who've you seen Martin fight? I've seen none of his fights and know virtually nothing about him other than stuff I've read in the wake of his winning the vacant IBF title. I know he's unbeaten and he's a southpaw but that's about it. What's his style like? People talk about Joshua being unproven and it being a risk etc. but, going by his record, Martin is unproven at the top leve too as he's never really fought anyone elite either.
  5. Time for Joshua to demonstrate if he can live up to the hype. Looking forward to it.
  6. I don't think you've thought that one through
  7. Aye, he wasn't replying to anyone. Except himself. Actually there's someone he follows called Steve, which I think is his name too. Probably him. He used to have more than one account on that Howaythetoon board and reply to his own posts with different accounts.
  8. Would've been more believable if you'd done it before I picked up on it. Nice try
  9. Aye, it was just a rant rather than a reply to anyone. Think he mentioned 'Thick Mick' at least four times. Surprised Ant never got a mention.
  10. Shows how little you know about me then. You're a constant source of amusement
  11. More chance of Noelie's cock staying up that this lot
  12. I had looked at his twitter account the other day and I had noticed he was banging on about Newcastle Online and here (as well as being right, of course). The mind boggles
  13. Anita will play RB when Janmaat leaves
  14. Alex


    Aye, I thought it was from back then
  15. Alex


    Actually I think the NE Top Dogs thing was created by Bob Murray when they came 7th twice with Reid as manager. Which is even more ridiculous given what had gone on before that.
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