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Everything posted by Alex

  1. If you can call it living
  2. Drunk enough. Just not married
  3. Btw, I’m on holiday and fucking mortal so all bets are off.
  4. The ref was shit, like. I appreciate the VAR adds pressure, especially as these refs are trialling a new system at the same time as the pinnacle of their career. but every time he was told to look at something he gave it. Iran’s penalty ffs. I would have loved it if their chance had gone in at the end as well. I thought Iran were more than just a cynical side who kept it tight as they had a decent attacking threat too. When you consider what a ‘pragmatic’ side Portugal are and their experience too it’s remarkable how easily Iran wound them up. Especially when they were winning and therefore winning the group.
  5. I agree should’ve been a red or nothing. It should’ve been the latter.
  6. Also, if the player hadn’t gone down like a whore’s knicker purely because of VAR and the awful ref then that wouldn’t even merit discussion in terms of an incident
  7. Got away with what exactly? Hoying the bloke out the way who’d just obstructed him about three times? It’s not like he through an elbow full pelt at a blokes nose. If you think that’s a blatant red you want to start watching netball. He was probably worried because the ref was wank enough to send him off for that. I’m far from Ronaldo’s biggest fan but if that was a red then you’d have a lot of top level games abandoned due to not enough players being left on at the end if that consistently resulted in a sending off
  8. Aye, fucking unfortunate for the poor cunt who’s Big Sam’s Doppelgänger
  9. Aye, good idea using he World Cup to trial it like
  10. Haddaway and shite man, I’m not convinced it was even a foul
  11. It’s funny because despite that being a stonewall penalty for Ronaldo that was an absolutely fucking awful advert for VAR. The ref was shocking
  12. Great finish from Kane
  13. Stick that up your canal
  14. Jesus. These are as thick as CT
  15. Hate it when dirty cheating cunts like this Panama side are romanticised
  16. Kroos’ goal was fucking dreamy like. What a strike
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