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Everything posted by Alex

  1. Not literally, just the exact same attitude. See: essembee
  2. Well Australia have moved from 5th to 3rd in the Test rankings, swapping places with us on the back of the usual home win in an Ashes series. We're level on points in the ODI rankings and well ahead on the T/20 ones. tl:dr Ken the mackem spouting shite
  3. Sure Tooj said he went there when he was at Keswick. The utter dweeb
  4. While I think on, MF's mention of Honister reminded me of this excellent circular drive which starts at Keswick: http://www.lakedistrictdrives.com/keswick-borrowdale-buttermere.html
  5. He says fuck all with a government in absolute shambles then when he does pipe up it's to bang the hard brexit drum. He can get to fuck tbh
  6. Wish he would step down and let someone who actually wants to lead take over. Emily Thornberry please
  7. If it was a one-off it would be pretty incompetent but in light of everything else What an utter shambles they are.
  8. Yeah, I was thinking along the same lines. Particularly with regard to the Edward II method of execution
  9. Alex

    Craft Beer

    Think the Grey Nag's Head in Gateshead does Ex and Best Scotch too. I say 'I think' because I've never been in but often walk past and I've seen them advertised on the blackboard outside. Think it's about £2.50 a pint too. Like you until I'd seen them being advertised there I'd assumed you couldn't get them any more. Used to drink McEwan's Export when I was younger which I haven't seen for ages either. I bet it was rank, was it?
  10. Loads really but this page has some good ideas: http://www.keswick.org/what-to-do/familywalks
  11. Worth checking out Castlerigg Stone Circle given you’re pretty close to it. The location is stunningly, especially if you’re lucky enough to get a fairly clear day
  12. Looking forward to the pics of you tackling Sharp Edge
  13. Just bought some magic beans
  14. Someone else said that tweet was like Cher off Clueless but Vicky Pollard works for me
  15. Absolutely no bother, my dear old thing
  16. I feel when he's saying he doesn't know what the budget is that it's a thinly-veiled dig at the owner and the lack of communication between them (which has been hinted at perviously). And I agree with @adios that he'll want to spend as little as possible to just keep us in the division.
  17. Aye, so proud of his heritage he had to adopt someone else's
  18. Aye, I'm pretty sure Koeman said something in the summer along the lines of Barkley has to sign or new contract or he has to be sold so his contract must be up this June or whatever. I thought he had the potential to be class but he's really stagnated in recent seasons.
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