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Everything posted by Alex

  1. Reminds me of the torture skit at the beginning of Method Man.
  2. Absolutely. And with regard to the PR side, I would imagine we'll discover they're considerably better at it than Ashley
  3. As long as him and Mike Ashley go in the foundations, I'm for it
  4. Outrageous that they’d want to pay less for a championship club
  5. There’s something telling me that’s an opinion piece
  6. Alex

    SJW Snowflakes

    Was expecting that to be Trolololo tbh
  7. Alex

    SJW Snowflakes

    Or you don't ask and you don't get.
  8. He's not worth the steam off your shit. The odious little cunt is an absolute nobody.
  9. Love how their 'proof' there was no Russian collusion is a tweet from Trump saying there was no Russian collusion
  10. Thems the rules. Anyway, Norwich probably would've knocked us out.
  11. I know that. That makes it even more ironic though, surely
  12. I would agree other than it happening a while before KK leaving. It's still ironic given he would've been the ideal manager for 9 and a bit of those 10 years with him as the owner.
  13. Joking apart though, I'd be interested in your thoughts re: her probably not being able to see too far beyond her bubble. I.e. without wider social justice, will any of this ever change? Complaining about feeling she couldn't go out without being harrassed when she was spending a term abroad (whilst being a perfectly legitimate complaint) isn't exactly going to resonate with people who can't afford to go to university, for example.
  14. Going off your previous posts, I literally can't tell the difference
  15. Not literally The thing is, a lot of people couldn't give a fuck about the stuff she's moaning about because they have lives immeasurably shittier than hers and she doesn't give a fuck about that.
  16. Barely matters if he's not selling. The biggest irony of Ashley's ownership is that Allardyce was the perfect man for his small-time ambitions.
  17. Has anyone seen this: http://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/cricket/42717093 Bad crack really. When I thought about it that Mankad dismissal by them in a previous U19 World Cup was far more legitimate (since the batsman is attempting to gain an 'illegal' advantage) but this is quite different. They lost on this occasion.
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