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Everything posted by Blastronaut

  1. '07 Megane with Bradford plates by any chance? I'll fully cooperate with the investigation. I've got no interest in cars at all. Just short term logistics.
  2. So the absolute tank bit the dust. While we're waiting on the motability car we've made the questionable decision to replace it with an even older Renault, advertised ridiculously cheap with the legend "good runner but all the usual Renault quirks and issues with the electrics". Guy wasn't kidding. I think every single button on the dashboard pops the boot open, except for the button that's meant to open the boot. Thankfully it only has to do us for a few months and with that in mind its quite an amusing wee runaround (for now). It just does mad shit, I love it.
  3. So its been all downhill for them since you stopped frequenting? For shame. I get it though. Pub across the road from us is changing hands as its been struggling. I said "thats a shame" before remembering I've never actually been in.
  4. Heard the drink driving and coke stories about Coogan many times over and agree with Chaser that there was something incredibly uncomfortably Partridge about his Saville performance. Weirdly found that all less surprising than learning him and Courtney Love were an item at some point about 20 years ago.
  5. Funny that as fondly I remember most of those shows they haven't aged well at all bar maybe Bottom and Red Dwarf. And any mention of The Word always reminds me of that classic Paul Calf line: "nowt worse than being sat on a flight with Terry Christian sat on one side of you..........and another Terry Christian sat on the other side."
  6. Was at the SAY awards last night doing my absolute best to lower the tone. Was so comically poor even my presence failed to lower the tone. The only real saving grace of the whole event was Dead Pony performance and reasonably priced alcohol. Young Fathers won for the third time, plus an honorary award for Paulo Nutini who wasnae even there and hosted in a town with absolutely no music scene at all. All hilariously compounded by the actual award being being created by a concrete sculptor which looked suspiciously like those white dog turds that used to be ever present on pavements nationwide.
  7. Something like the opposite of the hybrid slinky Ernie Ball set might help. Skinny bottom, heavy top, but I doubt such a thing exists. The different scale length from top to bottom would really fuck me up though man, my muscle memory all goes to pot just going from Fender to Gibson scale. Looks a really nice bit of kit all the same.
  8. I'm a hypocrite. I was recently shooting CT down for basing his viewing habits on IMDB rating, I just found myself getting quite excited in the realisation that I never got round to watching The Many Saints of Newark. Then thinking "ah shit it's poorly rated on imdb, dunno if I'll bother now".
  9. Slippery slope this man. I worked with a guy a while back who was into collectable coins and metal detecting. Cunt obsessed over checking every single 2p coin in the hope he'd find one from the year that they changed from reading "two pence" to "new pence" (or vice versa) with the old lettering. Carry on down this path and before you know it you'll be meeting up folk like CT in a field with your metal detectors on the weekends.
  10. Aye theyre fine..somehow the only injury sustained was wee cut on my step-da's finger. Been a cunt of a last 10 days. Car dying on our way on holiday. Having to work out the logistics of trying to get the rest of the way to and from the holiday with four kids (one disabled). Getting home to our headcase running up and down the landing with kitchen knifes and having a massive squad of polis appear, dogs n all to lift him. Then this. Waiting to see what's next. What's weird is I'm somehow more Zen about everything right now than I was before we left for our holiday.
  11. Oh aye, fucking rub it in why don't you all. Our car is still sat 70 miles away from home. Clutch went last Monday and can't get find a garage there that'll take the fucker so we're probably gonna just cut our losses and scrap the thing. Icing on the cake, yesterday my mum and stepdad manage to write theirs off, came off the road on their way to pick up my lad and landed in a field. Miraculously they're fine, the car no so much.
  12. Guinness and Johnnie Walker. Breakfast of Champions.
  13. Fanned fretboard n all? Bloody hell. I kinda like them but dunno how I'd hang it on the wall.
  14. I didn't even know Strandberg guitars were still a thing. Cool. I've been eyeing up those framus guitars Devin Townsend had them make, just not sure about those "evertune" bridges. And the fretboard lights, those can get to fuck.
  15. Exactly. Well interpreted. If the world wants grapefruit flavoured beer let them have it, but I'm not getting involved.
  16. Sorry to hear about your furry pal Sammy. Hope you're making a point of playing her some decent tunes in her last few months man. Swear animals are tuned in way more to music than we ever give them credit for. Nice new axe too!
  17. Maybe my small mind isn't quite fully appreciating the gravity of the situation, but a scan of that article tells me it's all above a potential "high quality hops" shortage. I'm not massively worried. Partly because most of what I drink relies more on malt than hops, but also because Im sick of all this citra-hops craft-brew shite and praying that if this story comes to anything it might at least be the death knell for for that pish.
  18. Took the kids down to Berwick for the October week, what should've been a 90 minutes drive turned into a 6+hour ordeal. We've finally made it but the car is still slightly north of the border. Fun times!
  19. Good luck with the tour man. Hope the van is green or your at least going to be blasting "Theme for a Big Green Van" on your travels.
  20. Jeff Waters had a decent looking Epiphone signature V though. I was tempted by one until I remembered I don't get on well with V's and can't shred for shit. Probably an unpopular opinion but I rate Jeff higher as a player than Joe. Slightly more substance than just complete wank. Joe is an incredibly gifted player, but he poses as a blues guy and I'm not buying it.
  21. Bonamassa shilling £1500 Epiphones doesn't surprise me at all. In other news I bought a £15 delay pedal off Temu to see what the crack was. It's fine for what it is, based on the same old long trodded out delay circuit the caverns, deep blue delay and Magnetic Echo are based on. Surprisingly well built too. £15 is basically my costs for a pedal like this long before my time is invested.
  22. That puts it just slightly behind Oz on their scale, which granted hasn't aged all that well but was the seminal hbo serial drama that kickstarted the golden age of TV serial dramas. Also puts it slightly ahead of Northern Exposure in their ratings, I'm not having that either. if Glimmer Man is 5.4 on I'll give this an extra 1.5 points purely for the self-awareness. IMDB can do one. It's 6.9 on the Blastronaut scale, and that's me being kind.
  23. That was absolutely brutal. Loved ever second of it. Honestly though, what surprised me most wasn't the result or the records set, it was the realisation that Stuart McCall has somehow ended up in a managerial position for a Premier League team.
  24. Christopher Hitchens saw that Tucker was destined to be a right wing grifter many moons ago.
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