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Everything posted by Blastronaut

  1. Horses for courses, something Bonham-esque sounds perfect for this stuff. Also apologies, realised now I think you've posted Letting Go before and I've just got a shite memory. Wasn't meaning to be wide by joking about how old-school recording reel to reel is. Hearing those live clips it makes a lot of sense not to want that quantized to all fuck and potentially kill the magic.
  2. The Chats were really good last night. I'm definitely not buying this "amateur musician" nonsense they insist on. It's been a while since I seen a guy in a wheelchair get wheeled into the middle of the pit and just left there to fend for himself, too.
  3. Those live clips are great man. Some of those leads are wild. Decent drummers are hard to find and worth their weight in gold man. Weird that despite playing guitar and knowing very little about drums Ive probably got a bigger list of favourite drummers.
  4. That's awesome. Would be mad to drastically change the name when there's a bit of traction. "The sun band" though? I hope the rest of you all refer to him as dad. I'm pissed and just got home to find all the kids still awake (at midnight FFS) so will give all that proper listen soon.
  5. Suppose that explains him recording reel to reel in 2023.
  6. What's your band even called anyway man? Just occured to me I don't think I've heard you.
  7. Ha, fucking hell not sure how you managed to resist. Fair play. Last time I was in a studio I most definitely didn't behave. Had a few before (Tucher, I distinctly recall being surprised that the nearest boozer to the studio even had it), went to get cans when they were tracking drums and completely phoned-in my takes so I could fuck off back to the pub as quickly as possible. Phoned-in is probably understating it too tbh. I didn't even check the sound of takes from the control room. In my defence I was just filling in for a local punk band who were completely underprepared for recording and all more pissed than me.
  8. There's always a chance. I was just looking at the Liverpool bench and concluded they've not go anyone (bar maybe Jota) if this goes tits up and they need to change the game. I'm no putting any money on it but there's always a chance. Say Gakpo has a mare and Diaz aggravates that injury again they've no real options unless the games already won.
  9. That's awesome Tom, nice one. Behaving both days? Not even a little Dutch courage?
  10. Ah fuck, not only did I miss that this was the Eurovision thread but I also hadn't realised there was an entry this year that was "Edgar Allen Poe" themed. Imagine the mad cunt will be turning in his grave.
  11. I feel personally attacked here man. I'd like to reiterate that my respiratory health concerns are as genuine as my claims to being a big fan of Wilde. I'm not well versed or educated in either, but both have forced me to seriously reconsider a lot of my life choices, albeit in different ways and at different times.
  12. Calpe always struck me as a poor man's Dumbarton Rock tbh. 😉
  13. Speaking of Bucharest, in an attempt to permanently put an end to the kids incessant "I'm bored, what are we doing tomorrow" demands, we've just decided to drag them all up to Dundee for a two day Poverty Safari to see out the bank holiday weekend and hopefully reign in their expectations for the impending summer holidays.
  14. @sammynb that's bullshit man. Dealing with similar nonsense here. Our good solid wood furniture ended up in a storage unit when we moved because my other half seems to prefer that shitey IKEA flatpack chipboard shite. In slightly related news, I've just been reminded of an old trick I used to pull to get her to deep clean the living room. Just move two or three bits of furniture slightly when she's at work, and sit back when she gets home and watch her maniacally move them back before deciding to completely rearrange the whole room, hoovering every corner that was previously concealed by sofas in the process. I'm gonna leave her to it and head down the pub for a few hours.
  15. I'll be honest, I can only think of that one song off the top of my head. Thankfully mines looks more like a guitar amp than "if Gimli was a homeless mackem". Decent score this last few weeks. Decent guitar and amp for £150 all in, both basically mint. Coincidentally both green though, which unfortunately is quite the statement in these parts.
  16. Wasn't mad on the New Radicals if I'm honest @RobinRobin In other news the V30 loaded HB cab is off the menu. Just lucked out on a 40w solid state Trace Elliott "Tramp" combo from a local recording studio that sadly closed its doors recently that will be both another combo and double as a decent 1x12 cab. Think my missus was quite relieved when I arrived home with a guitar amp after boldly declaring "back in 10, off to meet a bloke in a car park who's selling an old tramp for £50"
  17. Hovering about the house with slippers and an electric blanket?
  18. Those Sawgrass printers look like pretty serious bits of kit. The cheap Epson sublimination printers, give me the fear, they look far too similar to their inkjet range that I've got into regular scraps with over the years.
  19. Ah nice. I've thought about going down that route but my current Inkjet and laser printers test my patience enough as it is, adding a third might just tip me over the edge.
  20. How are you going about applying the graphics @Christmas Tree ? Heat Transfer Vinyl?
  21. Really well put Renton. My own mental health had a bit of a wobble a few weeks ago and I let spiral and was getting increasingly more tunnel-visioned by the minute. @Craig massive kudos to you for confronting this and tackling it head-on. I won't even try to pretend to understand what you're going through, but please know your not alone. There's no shame in admitting you're not okay and given the steps you've already taken you are a far better man than most.
  22. I fucking knew that would be misconstrued as I typed it. Thats on you. Wrong 'un.
  23. @Gemmill it's pretty decent for what it is like. Made me actually want to play a bit more often too and reminded how much I prefer a bound neck, which I've never been able to explain and thought was all in my head, but it's definitely a thing. Also thankfully won't ever need any firmware updates, the catch is replacing hardware in a semi-hollow body guitar is probably more of a ballache.
  24. Stock pickups in this sound good to my ears, if it turns out to be a keeper and I end up upgrading anything it'll be tuning pegs and the toggle switch. Early days but it's more than pleasantly surprised me for an off-brand entry-level axe.
  25. Aye, I'd been eyeing up the Ibanez AM53 for a good while but the prices shot up recently. This came up locally for £100 and was basically unplayed. It's more than decent, I expected to either be a total donkey or need a lot of work but all it needed was a new set of strings and a quick setup. Even the nut is cut surprisingly well. Only slight concern is the wood effect on the back is pretty orange, so it's more than a bit green white and gold. Father in-law saw it and just said "up the ra".
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