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Everything posted by RobElliott

  1. Pleased City won as it keeps the pressure on the bin dippers, hopefully they can pip them to the post. Looked like they were going to draw for a while tonight. I loathe this Liverpool team.
  2. Whats the Mrs Wykiki verdict, backup if Wilson goes in the summer?
  3. His next twatter post said he was fed BS and Pope is still on course for end of April
  4. Had to leave when 3-1 down just after Hall came on, to help out at an easter kids thing but class comeback from us. How did Hall play?
  5. That marra sure has taken a step down moving from the favellas to Pennywell
  6. Phils brother? So you arent going to come sign for us? Bang out of order!!
  7. Think Excel must be down
  8. Thought Gusto was class for them last night Was a breath of fresh air seeing a pacy full back storming up and down the wing He cost £20m though? Hopefully we can bag some players of that ilk for that price in the summer.
  9. Aye, I don't think Eddie is perfect but has enough credit in the bank for a free pass until October, by then he will have had another transfer window and a fully acclimatised Tonali, Big Joe and Pope back fully fit plus less games every week so we could well go one better and lift a cup next year. Long term I don't think Eddie is the answer as I'm not sure how our squad depth will be able to maintain the intensity that he needs for us to be effective, like we were last year, and while a lot of injuries have been freak injuries, I think the intensity of training is playing into that, even just a little. Some (Harvey Barnes broken toe) aside of course. I don't know if its physically possible long term to keep Eddies intensity with 2 matches every week with our squad depth / injury proneness. Maybe the board recognise that and will give him time until the revenues come up and we can have a strong squad that can cope with the demands. It would be a silver lining if Bruno does leave that we could get up to 5 class players with the money. Maybe this was all caused by having a shite physio who got the boot. At least we aren't as badly hit with injuries as Liverpool as Neville was keen to point out in the match last night
  10. Eddie saving us for Saturday. Also Neville sounds like he reading from a script...
  11. I'd pay good money to listen to Waddle pronounce the names of the Chelsea bench :D. .
  12. Liverpool for me and its not even close. I find the mackems pathetic and hilarious but I cannot stand liverpool! Apart from that they are dead on
  13. Nah its a baby breastfeeding lad
  14. Was it not the shitting on the train resulting in an exclusion zone for said carriage that was the problem or was that someone else on here?
  15. 3-1 underestimates the gap between them and City, so Ten Fraud is indeed correct!
  16. New OnlyFans startup in leeds?
  17. Getting our next 7 years of bad luck draws out of the way this season, non league the whole way to a cup double next year!
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