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Everything posted by Toonpack

  1. other than the logic of getting into a position where only England can possibly win. Also putting extra miles into the Pakistan bowlers legs when next match is next week, not to mention the psychological element of piling up the runs. They were obviously batting to a time (40 minutes) rather than averages, that's just a silly notion tbh.
  2. Absolutely correct decision with over 2 days left, only way you could lose from that position is to enforce follow on and end up chasing a score on the worst of the pitch. You can't play for rain. Bat on hour or so today and then finish them off over rest of today/tomorrow and as a bonus you've made their bowlers really toil. If there'd only been a day and half left, different story.
  3. So yesterday the Mrs and her friend are out walking the dogs at the beach and talking about the referendum, bloke walks past and starts haranguing them about ruining the country etc, both pretty shaken tbh (although Mrs' pal is a formidable woman and I wouldn't dare say boo to her) and then last night one of youngest sons mates gets racially abused and told to fuck off home in Maccy D's whilst waiting to get served, when his only ethnicity is to have the surname of Brown and a bit of a tan. If that just what's happened to those I know, how widespread must this shit be !!!
  4. You mean the Jocks who had the common sense to vote remain, by a large majority, those Jocks are "begging" ?? I wouldn't class requesting support for something they voted for as "begging" Pretty sure Nigel and Boris will be pleading never mind begging if this stupidity goes ahead and the hardball starts
  5. The western middle east policy was a disaster but it's got sweet fuck all to do with this insanity, we basically should have left the nutter despots alone, there are parts of the world which need a psycho regime to keep the lid on, the mistake was the belief that democracy could introduced and could flourish in what is basically middle ages era tribal and caste driven society. (see Sunni via Shia etc). Western middle eastern policy is simply an excuse. Anyone who goes to Syria should be interned upon return, anyone on a watch list should be similarly interned, if a few innocents get locked up, tough shit, better locked up than other innocents being murdered by the score.
  6. He only needs to be 2 points better than Sunlun and Norwich over 10 games, it doesn't sound so horrific that way
  7. Hello I'm Rafa, get your kit on we're training in 5 minutes
  8. This is it, the final swing of the pendulum, if Rafa can't turn this shower of shite into something respectable again we are eternally doomed to being unrelentingly garbage. The end game begins for good or ill.
  9. Nailed on they'll fuck this up and he'll still be there to oversee the hammering off Leicester
  10. Grow a beard, get a tan and give up bacon, house and free money awaits
  11. Stael (who's streams/movies etc were always good) appears to have disappeared from Phoenix
  12. Where can I get one of those little red books so I can swot up on Labour policy ????
  13. Going to a gig Once flew down from Aberdeen on Bonfire night, was canny in flight entertainment
  14. Could be approaching a canny time to think about flogging my Star Wars autographs
  15. Football is dead as a contact sport, it's pathetic, any contact is now a free kick, it's beyond fucking shite.
  16. Even if Icke had "kept it real" 25 years ago there was much more limited news availability, the establishment could have kept a lid on/marginalised him with or without lizards tbh.
  17. How do you think the unthinkable ? With an itheberg
  18. They really rate Woodman jnr evidently, they won't let Woodman go under "unpleasant" circumstances in case it pisses off the kid.
  19. I have disposed of 4 rats this year I suppose they equate to about 40 mackem people.
  20. Thanks folks, getting too old to count them now !!
  21. HF, if you have the data to hand in your crypt of stats (and yes I imagine it has a hammer horror type creaking door). What is McLarens record at the clubs he's been at in last few years compared to the previous incumbent at those clubs ?? I think that would be a more appropriate comparison than Boro from 10+ years ago. What effect, good or bad, did Schteve have on clubs he was retained by.
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