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Everything posted by Toonpack

  1. Am told Shite Direct signs are coming down at SJP, checking source..........
  2. What's the real story on PPE, to the best of your knowledge ? Plenty Dr's etc complaining and equally lots of "my husband/wife/sister is a nurse and they've got plenty" etc etc
  3. They'll have to do something, because I can't see any events where thousands cram together happening for a very, very, long time. Certainly not in time to end this/start a new season.
  4. You should have just said I'll get Mahatma Coat (thought Sochal etc was genius btw)
  5. I'm not sure there is any rationale behind what they are doing, I just think they are grossly incompetent and haven't got a fucking clue although I do still believe they are not averse to the "cull" that this is bringing.
  6. Absolutely and the effect of mental Friday when they closed the pubs has to hit yet !!
  7. Just off a meeting with some Texans and some continentals, Texans ask what it's like over here, we Euro folks explain lockdown etc. and they say "Geez it's not as bad as that here" We euro's all think to ourselves you shouldn't call it "bad" you should call it "good" - and the Texans in question were VERY senior/executive type folks !!! . US is going to get creamed by this thing.
  8. Well yes, I would, but Mrs treats parcel like it is garlic and she was a vampire and if it makes her happy for me not to touch it, so be it.
  9. I'm not too bad as am WFH but Mrs very wound up - Amazon parcel and dogfood parcel are in quarantine in porch until tomorrow a.m. (2 days) Must admit working from home is a distraction, to a point, but the whole social distancing thing if you meet someone when out is bizarre and unnerving IMO, lucky though we live on edge of farmland/countryside so the dog walk is usually "Other people" free. I wouldn't want to be living city center just now.
  10. This. Pretend to have it and publicise but if they then do get it = cue panic about "there is no immunity".
  11. Can you catch it via your chuff ??
  12. In France you can go out "solo" for jogs/dog walks, exercise, go to work, shopping etc according to fella I deal with (Parisienne, who's got a canny cough just now mind!!) so long as you have your completed form stating the purpose of what you're doing and where from/to, Police everywhere checking and dishing out spot fines if you are "off route". Can only go out one person per car for any reason.
  13. No argument here and Rangers are still dead The Rangers* might be maintaining the tradition as well
  14. We've been told to work from home for next 4 weeks (minimum) I did a fair bit anyway, but US office folks (even those who like us here can work from home easily) have been put on a 2 group pattern to "protect" them, one week wfh, next week in the office, rinse and repeat - madness. It's going to go horrific over there I fear, when it hits those without medical insurance and those folks start dying from lack of care !!! Of course I could be wrong, the President reckoned it was all a hoax.
  15. They're all at the beach (Seaton Sluice) with their kids, Mrs walked the dogs this a.m. she said it was like height of summer and mobbed, windbreaks tents the lot!!
  16. Not really odd at all, if crown prince’s people say, “say nowt” you’re not going to go risk getting Khashoggied are you .
  17. Nope no car, just some stuff we’ve accumulated over the decades, working through my thick end of 2000 x 7inch vinyl next !! Could be an old telecaster in them
  18. I paid £1700, which is probs a bit over the top but I’m happy, she is immaculate and £1300 was basically free money from stuff I had in my garage, lock up, cupboards for years etc
  19. Good things come to those who wait. 1990 Standard, basically cost me £400 as I sold a ton of shit on ebay over last few weeks
  20. Was going to go in on Saturday but saw they were sold out, will keep powder dry for a while I reckon.
  21. Stand down - sold out, back to mulling May just hang on a flog some shit and get a daddy LP
  22. Strangely it's me doing the prevaricating and trying to find a window where I can be arsed to get up to town
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