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Everything posted by Toonpack

  1. They also made tanks in WW2 for Adolph
  2. She'll be on suicide watch, the "watch to make sure she kills herself" watch Wonder if Andy's sweating yet ?
  3. Toonpack


    Did @Gemmill ever try that curry ??
  4. Oh aye, when I went to work up north we rented our house out to NUFC, they stuck Wesley N’goh Baheng in it, when we came back it was ok except the curtains stank of dog piss (he had a chihuahua) and he left tons of credit card debt based on the letters that kept turning up. As a thank you for us he’d left two bin bags full of baseball caps, but club cleaners slung them thinking they were rubbish (was pissed off as was going to eBay them)
  5. Mrs saw Pav (RIP) in Fenwicks toy dept one Christmas dashed and got a window sticker thing for him to sign, he had to put down arm full of stuff but she said he was lovely, gets to till to buy her stuff and had argument with checkout lass as “you can’t buy that someone’s written on it”. Keegan at the airport As a kid, Wyn Davies in Mark Toneys having a cuppa, sure he was with Ollie Burton but I only asked for Wyn the leap’s autograph as I was in awe.
  6. Saw said son at Kingston Mines blues club in Chicago (he happened to be on the bill) and thought this’ll be good, I bet he’s a canny player, and your right, he doesn’t.😂
  7. They've got to announce it soon, whichever way it goes, if they wait until next week with pubs open from week Saturday a yes'll be happy beer carnage a no will be a riot. Announce it this week and get it "out of the system" whichever way it goes with plenty of time before the pubs are back.
  8. Been incredibly quiet today, wonder if there's been an injunction or at least a "you'd better say nowt" order
  9. Agreed, the loss of face would be unconscionable to any man in the street arab let alone a royal house. They’d pursue it whatever the cost.
  10. Given it's nowhere near a "slam dunk" report pointing at PIF, the diplomatic fallout from Prem League snubbing KSA's heir apparent would be something. Just can't see them having the bottle, the future KING of a close ally (however dodgy that ally is) not deemed fit and proper - yikes !!!!
  11. I reckon Levi's T shirt lass could get her tits over head height (with considerable help with the lift)
  12. It's fecking madness, everything slackening off so the plebs think it's gone away !! Infection rate are same as 16th March evidently, it's going to rocket again just as it has in parts of the US. I'm not changing what I do in fact will likely me more "safety conscious" as the idiots are out in force.
  13. He opened some of his shops yesterday "for the NHS only" supposedly, of course no one was asked for ID and Police went shut the Scarborough shop down, there were queues to get in !!!!
  14. Hundreds in queue's at Primark/shops utterly predictable !!
  15. For what it's worth, I can't see it not happening, given the politics over there the loss of face for the Saudi's (and not just some random Sheik, but the royal house) from being thwarted by Qatar would be unthinkable IMO. It'll get sorted I reckon.
  16. Toonpack


    That’s exactly what I thought when my son pointed us at it, but he gave us a portion of gravy to try and now we’re currently into/using our third iteration of base gravy, tremendous curry on demand. It is an absolute ball ache making the gravy but you only need to do it every 4-6 weeks or so as you get make enough base for 12 curry portions. (Freezer space issue notwithstanding). Big bags of the spices from local Indian supermarket for multiple batches/curries for the cost of a single takeaway.
  17. Toonpack


    Worst bit is peeling 50g of Garlic - around 2 full bulbs worth, what a chew on that is. If you do it, top tip, don't get all ingredients set out, just work through them (onions first) and chuck in the pan as you go First time we made it, sorted them all and set them out - added about 20 mins onto the chore 6L pan required mind.
  18. Toonpack


    The gravy at first watch can be off putting/daunting (as it's got loads in it - some weird shit like half a spud (skin on) but it is SO fucking worth it. "Base Gravy 2" is the one you want btw.
  19. Toonpack


    Al's Kitchen on youtube, curry recipe's. Takeaways are dead in this house. Base gravy making is a major effort (like around 4 hours worth, on and off, but you get a good dozen portions worth, just carton up and freeze) but the resultant curries are unreal and can be made in 30-40 minutes. Piss easy. Made the Dhansak (one of his new recipes) for first time at the weekend and it's the best I have eaten that I can remember. Honourable mention to the Chasni an all, unbelievably good. For donkey's years we have tried to make proper tasting restaurant type curries and no matter what they were always not quite right, but these !!!!!!!!!! If you like curry and want 100% top restaurant quality/taste, you can thank me later.
  20. This is significant, Senior Military types NEVER comment (he's also evidently a Republican) https://www.theatlantic.com/ideas/archive/2020/06/american-cities-are-not-battlespaces/612553/
  21. Like they want track and trace to work, it's onwards and upwards with the cull, cunts!
  22. Germany has a scientist in charge, us? not so much
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