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Everything posted by trophyshy

  1. been a while since I seen a mushroom cut like!
  2. you forgot - 'can't hack them into fajita sized nibbles and bury them on town moor'
  3. aye, give them it as often as humanly possible.
  4. bet the second mugger was gutted that he'd been beaten to it. no doubt he took some persuading that it was true and he wasnt just hiding his wallet up his arse! My mate's dad did some work in Brazil, he was frequently robbed at gunpoint. Was he with Securicor?
  5. trophyshy

    Heather Mills

    surely you mean absolutely pedantic arsehole?
  6. trophyshy

    Heather Mills

    Link Stevie I used to work with a bloke who knew her from her days in Washington. He alleged she was of questionable moral fibre (this is back in her bipedal days) Conversely my Dad met her at a work function, once she'd been dismembered, and he was utterly charmed by her. And no, he didn't knock her back out.
  7. Bizarre II Just when you thought is was safe to read your messages.
  8. Bollocks have they. Do you reckon they've all got 'Tayl's lines' Been ringing off the hook this week. (Ferdi, get ta fuck back to London ya useless lizard lipped prankster, we've had a fax with Tayls on'
  9. Faggot facts Faggots were called "savoury ducks" in the Middle Ages Faggots were named after the Latin word for bundle Faggots were originally made with pig's liver and offal Faggots are now made from pork liver and pork Fans have published the Good Faggot Guide (from above link)
  10. trophyshy


    Apart from the amusing name, are they not just meatballs?
  11. Tbh, by now I expected the Brazilians to be mimicking US.
  12. we look awful really, especially when considering all the 'talent' we possess
  13. It’s three and I’m at the match again It’s hard to believe Owen starts this time But look who it is who scores and flips It’s Oba, it’s Oba Pogo-ing with beer in my eye Singing for the army in black and white Pogo-ing, I've puked down my side Hoping for a trophy before I die It’s late and the toon are 1 nil down We’re drunk but we can see the coming goal We roar as the ball is volleyed home It’s Oba, its Oba! Pogo-ing with beer in my eye Singing for the army in black and white Pogo-ing, I've puked down my side Hoping for a trophy before I die
  14. And before that it was Roeder, Souness, Bramble, Robert...people aren't happy unless they're unhappy about something. That's deep man. Isn't that from The Matrix?
  15. Has any of our current crop been issued with enough? Potato famine or something?
  16. hehe He better wait until Festivus. German's are certainly not scared to air their grievances around poles.
  17. lol I did notice he wasn't rushing over to Oba to congratulate him on the first goal, and then I thought - 'hang on, am I buying into all this paranoia?' Spoiled the moment, tttt.
  18. Good advice mate, but mix up your metaphors a little please!
  19. Genius, I thought I was the only one who did that!
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