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Everything posted by Craig

  1. And conversely, other players have NOT been dropped because of this sort of thing in the past. It's down to the person running the team. Howe is all about creating a unit - there's no way I can see him metering a punishment that will be shared by the rest of the team and its supporters. He'll impose a punishment that impacts Joelinton, and Joelinton alone. It'll be a fine and community service, but I can't see him dropping him. Other managers who are hell bent on making it clear they're in charge would do so, but that isn't Howe's style at all.
  2. Hopefully we don't lose the toss and Fulham make us play towards the Gallowgate first half then
  3. I doubt he'll be dropped because of it. More likely to be fined, and rightly so.
  4. For once they'll be justified though. The fucking idiot!
  5. Shoreditch has been properly gentrified, it's absolutely worlds apart from what it was like 30 years ago.
  6. Have we totally given up on including Gemmill's name in the title? Probably a good thing Anyway we'll win this 2-0 I reckon
  7. Trying also, it's only 30 minutes down the road from me.
  8. Craig


    https://www.greatbritishchefs.com/recipes/curried-pickled-eggs-recipe As for 'food terrorism', multiple people have thrown a face at the idea of this, tried one closely followed by "SEND ME THE FUCKING RECIPE!!"
  9. The relative performance was similar to us in the FA Cup - left the big guns on the bench, brought them on when you were chasing the game and gave them too much to do.
  10. Craig


    Curried pickled egg anyone?
  11. Wor lass is a Forest fan. She was busy crowing ever since the draw that we’ll both end up in the final and they’ll win it. I merely pointed out Dean Henderson is ineligible in the semi final and now she’s all depressed
  12. Home of the spitfire are coming into land 🤣🤣
  13. He's been an absolute snip at £10m
  14. We're not getting a range then?
  15. Since their diabolical first 2 games of the season they've: Won 11, draw 2, lost 2, scored 25, conceded 14. Over the same period we've: Won 8, draw 7, lost 1, scored 30, conceded 13. One of my mates is a Man United fan and I've watched a few of their games recently with him. They pass well, press hard and can finish. They're definitely a match for us IMO.
  16. It's almost like the Premier League was designed for 22 teams.
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