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Everything posted by Craig

  1. Trossard confirmed at Arsenal for £21m. Seems a bit of a steal to me, that.
  2. Was thinking about the stadium expansion the other day whilst the North London derby was on. Most people, including me, have been pretty much entrenched in the idea we should have a L7 expansion of the existing Gallowgate to mirror that of the Milburn and the Leazes. What if we didn't and instead razed the entire Gallowgate stand to the ground, including the corners and start from scratch - only this time taking inspiration from Spurs and Dortmund and build at a steeper angle that goes further back and into the corners as well? Perhaps incorporating safe-standing in it too. The issue with Leazes Terrace only exists until halfway along the East Stand so we could easily redevelop the corners and make better use of the corner steps area by the Strawberry. The Milburn statue could be re-located (again!) to near the ones of Bobby & Shearer.
  3. I think we all know, like Keegan, Pardew and Benitez as well, he had fuck all say.
  4. I'm not sure if it is the best move for him TBH. If he's going to move on, especially on loan he's going to be wanting game time. I can't see them dropping Gibbs-White for him.
  5. Wor lass thinks differently: "No thanks, we don't fucking want him. He's shite!"
  6. Liverpudlians acting like entitled cunts? Surely not.
  7. Piss-taking aside, there's no way we'd consider letting Wood go out on loan unless there was someone else coming in. Both Wilson and Isak are too fragile for the likes of Ashworth & Howe to take a risk on them.
  8. Remember when these fickle cunts were having the same protests about Hicks & Gillett - who really were fucking criminals! - and hailing John W Henry as the messiah?! In the next 13 years they've won the Champions League, the Premier League, the FA Cup, the EFL Cup twice, the Super Cup and the World Club Cup. And people suggest we're unreasonable!!
  9. It's the FA all over. And their failure to actively deal with racism is rooted across all levels. One of the factors which led me to eventually give up coaching was when they refused to respond to my report of racism directed at one of my players by a delightful young scumbag from the Portsmouth area. "Fuck of you black cunt, I'm going to rape your n**ger mother and then stab her afterwards!" was his choice of words - witnessed by me, other players and parents. Witness statements taken from all parties - something I was told by the FA to coordinate without any support at all only for them to throw it out as "There was no video evidence to support the claim.". It was a grassroots match on a school playing field! Their much lauded whistle-blowing campaign is nothing more than a white elephant and the head of discipline at Hampshire FA is a spineless bitch who is failing the very kids she's tasked with protecting. Rant over.
  10. Even a broken clock is right twice a day.
  11. Quite amazing that we're still considered part of 'The Other 14' when there are 17 teams below us.
  12. Dispatch Warlock and Ajax to bring back his body.
  13. It's fucking mental that the only PL teams this season to score more than 1 goal against us is Manchester City & Liverpool. Man United, Chelsea, Arsenal, Brighton, Forest, Palace, Everton, Villa & Leeds - all failed to score against us.
  14. Are you really expecting everyone to bough down?
  15. Surely 6 pints of lamb bhuna needs more than that?
  16. Case in point why his time at NUFC will almost certainly expire in the next couple of windows.
  17. If you're talking about the one where he shot from the edge of the box and it sailed narrowly past the post it was almost identical to the goal Willock scored against Chelsea.
  18. Bravo! He can get fucked to be honest - it's a mess all of his own making. Being a shit manager is one thing but as you point out, the lack of respect for the supporters and most sections of the media for calling him out on it beggars belief. And for him to claim to be 'one of us' is the foam on top of the bucket of piss. You're not 'one of us' Steve, and you never will be!
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