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Everything posted by DanTheMan

  1. International Baccularette. A French-style diploma as an alternative to A-levels.
  2. If this is true, not really the example to be setting. Exactly, if true he wants a VERY long ban and kicking out of the England squad, but I cant see that happening, I mean, we dont have racism in English football do we? Righto. What do you think should happen then if he did racially abuse him? Not something you can let go really! It goes on in pretty much every single game. If a player is caught racially abusing someone, they should be sent off. End of matter. How do you know it goes on in nearly every game? I'd say 3 match ban minimum for anyone caught.
  3. If this is true, not really the example to be setting. Exactly, if true he wants a VERY long ban and kicking out of the England squad, but I cant see that happening, I mean, we dont have racism in English football do we? Righto. What do you think should happen then if he did racially abuse him? Not something you can let go really!
  4. Aye Terry got sent off for a second yellow, which was for the push in the box. If he was sent off for racism then it would have been a red card straight, surely? do the refs have set guidelines to follow for racist comments? all this just sounds like some crap rumour started by some wide boy in london Yes, red card!
  5. Everyone seems to be bollocking Fish this week!
  6. Ignore them! Insensitive bastids. Hope you're feeling better soon petal - sounds nasty Thanks Cath...I have taken some Paramol and have had an ice pack on my nose but still look like Shreks younger sister But Princess Fiona - you are beeeeeeyootiful! now that cheered me up !! get a room Get a fucking sense of humour you miserable twat!
  7. DanTheMan


    I agree about how much easier it is to understand in the play. When I studied the play a few years back at school I didn't really get any of the jokes, and it was about as funny as death. But I found it hilarious last night, was really good fun!
  8. DanTheMan


    Anyone gone to see any of the RSC productions in Newcastle so far? Saw Much Ado About Nothing last night, was really realy good. The Tempest with Patrick Stewart in a few weeks for all you Trekkies.
  9. All the law says is deliberate handball. If it's not deliberate then it's not a penalty!
  10. Why, has he been touching you where he shouldn't again? He wishes. I'm too much of a man for him!
  11. Don't patronise me, little man, because I'd run rings around you any time, any place. I just feel that your posts merit little more than a simple two word response.
  12. I'm getting Childline onto Gemmill!
  13. Is chopping up a euphemism? I can just imagine you handling pickled shit. Did it look like Branston? It was the smell that was worst. Why do some people die with erections anyway?
  14. Pink wafers! They're absolutely lush.
  15. DanTheMan


    Not usually into literature, but been reading Dracula lately and I think its amazing. Really good plot and the film adaptions have all been great as well. Any other fans?
  16. DanTheMan

    Own up!

    Piss- only if I piss on my hands Shite- always
  17. Don't know if anyone remembers a Sunderland fan who used to post on the old Toonchat called 'Laputian'. Sadly, he passed away this morning. He used to mainly act the arsehole and I know he offended a few people on here, but he was a clever and funny guy , my condolences to his family and friends.
  18. Was hilarious this week! Richard & Judy make a class cameo appearance.
  19. I believe Windows Messenger doesn't offer that feature. You might need 'proper' MSN to do that.
  20. My fault I'm afraid, I linked to the New Money thread on here in a thread on the SMB.
  21. We covered it at GCSE and A Level - complete overload. A Level tended to be more about the rise of the Third Reich, but I'd had enough by the end. Yeah, we've covered it in both as well! You do get a bit sick of it!
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