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Everything posted by PaddockLad

  1. So Shola's always been shite, but Mike Ashley's policy has ensured he's first choice off the bench this season, and you seem very happy with that situation.....the two things don't tie in CT, you seem a bit muddled on this.
  2. Murray's reached 3 out of 4 slam finals this year, won one and won the gold at the Olympics. And he got to the semi's at Roland Garros. Not a bad years work! Went to bed at 2-1 to Djoko in the 3rd, could see he was in the zone for the mother of all comebacks, but the 5th must have been incredible to watch after Murray had lost the previous two sets.
  3. Get in muzza! Am off to bed, with me best tartan jim jams on
  4. You just don't get quality like that anymore jocks on the pitch wrecking Wembley,Ice barrel jumping and Eric morcambe....Wrestling too!
  5. Fuckin log rolling! Evil Kineval after the break....had him,his bike and his touring garage!....compared with that, your average star wars figure was like a wet weekend in Wigan
  6. Malcom Allison: "footballing peasants like Italy and Germany" Murray about to start in noo yoik.... good old sky player...
  7. Jenas off to Leeds on loan?.... http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sport/football/article-2200886/Jermaine-Jenas-set-Leeds-United-loan-move.html?ito=feeds-newsxml How the mighty have fallen. I honestly thought I was looking at a future England captain when we got him. Fantastic first 18 months. Probably one of the players most affected by Sir Bob's sacking. It all seemed to go tits up after that. His comments on leaving were plain daft iyam, fair enough he wanted to leave but it was the same week we signed a striker from Real Madrid for the odd 17mill or so...Fred balancing the books
  8. happy 47th mate, not long now till the big five-oh
  9. Am going out for a curry later and as a tribute to Tel am going to have his favourite...Chicken Tarka...its like Chicken Tikka, just a little 'otter
  10. Someone mention 'Arry earlier?....ees ownly gorn back to ver Cherries, seemingly just to undermine another incumbent manager..trriffic.... http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sport/football/article-2199908/Harry-Redknapp-returns-Bournemouth.html
  11. I saw Chris Packham giving a check-in girl at Southampton Airport a hard time about being careful with his cameras....completly devoid of charm or any other social nicities. RIP Nutkins, mad hair, mad love machine....8 kids!....who'd have thunk it?....
  12. Stop complaining Wikki....every time I mention this Baggio says its fine....hes said it so often now, I actually beleive it will be
  13. Hes the Shola Ameobi of Everton....been around for eons so now a much loved cult figure, but ultimately he's not been very good at any point of his career.
  14. As Chez said a few weeks ago "narrative".....
  15. That sounds fuckin dreadful mate. Thursday night becomes your Saturday night? good for Euro games...
  16. Its the reserves, but if you really feel the need Berwicks half an hour away by car,and tell your missus to save you a sausage from the barbie....whats the problem?
  17. Well it has this season Davey, thats shit. Whats your shift pattern like now then?
  18. I meant the "unbridled joy" on here in May, when I pointed out that under Ashley we'd struggle squad wise this season with Europe....and was called a miserable so and so by quite a few who are now being a bit sniffy about the goings on this summer. I'm like a fuckin scizophrenic at the moment...deep down, after all the shit of the last few years, most of it caused by the man himself, I don't think we've much choice but to go down the road Ashley is taking us. But Stevie et al have a major point, failing to stengthen in key areas this summer is a major chance missed.Thing is, a few scales have fallen from my eyes this year re Ashley, am willing to give him the benefit of the doubt.....for the moment.
  19. Andy Carroll...but Ashley wouldnt pay his wages....
  20. Theyre heading down that road as sure as eggs is eggs....if theres one thing that will make the British electorate turn on them its the thought of privtising the health service....
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