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Everything posted by PaddockLad

  1. Try and be a bit more melodramatic Luke, your posts lack something without it. Balarny Stone, fuck off you ridiculous cunt.
  2. What would happen at your work if that happened?....
  3. We'll see which players shine and which players do fuck all in the next month......I do think its a general rule of thumb that premier league based players have, in the last 8 major tournaments or so, done next to fuck all. France in 2002 spring to mind.....they won the previous 2 tournaments but with Zidane only playing on one leg Viera & Henry were too knackered to carry the rest of them, Pires had been clogged already by Dabizas.....in saying that, Barca havent been at their best either and some of their lads have looked a bit jaded too..they reckon age is finally catching up with Xavi. So we'll see. Portugal are dark horses, good enough side to win it if Spain are below par.....hopefully they will be and we'll get good ties in the knockout stages where all the half decent sides sense they could win it.
  4. I dont really mind the queen or any of her family (the alternative of having a politician as a head of state makes me nauseous) but am fucked if id as much as open the curtains if somone told me she was passing by....all this jubilee shit is fuckin irritating now. Is the concert the same line up as her 50th?...have they released Bassey and Jones from the South Wales Cryogenic Center again?....
  5. Good to see Hodgson being his own man iyam. He's an experianced manager, and while this obviously no guarantee of even modest success in the next month, he'll have his justifiable reasons for his selections. The "old guard" are almost all gone now,either by injury or by just having the wrong brother like Rio, but theyve been slaughtered on here for fuckin years so anyone bemoaning the fact Rio isnt in is crying crocodile tears tbh.Terry is abhorrent as a human being, but with the unfortunate Cahill wouldve been a very handy pairing indeed going on what they played like towards the end of the season. Only 4 players in the 23 have played at a Euro's before (Rooney,Cole,Gerrard and Terry) and while anyone is free to criticise who has been brought in theres not exactly an abundance of choice is there?....Wilshire is the only name that springs to mind and he is injured, as usual it would seem. This is very much the next generation of footballers who are going to be representling the country for the next 3 tournaments or so, so we may as well get behind them.
  6. Why not spend less on the olympics and more on tax breaks for companies to set up in the north east a la Nissan?....id have rather seen the olympics go to fuckin Ulaan Bator and see the governments share properly invested. Its a corporate wankfest at the end of the day and in truth the vast majority of people in the UK won't see any benefit from it.
  7. Am I right in saying the previously very pro-UK-austerity IMF have started to express a few doubts as well?... No one's spending anything to speak of, banks are sitting on billions that the BoE has printed with no intention of lending it to the few who want it, and the rest are too scared to spend anything at all. All because of the dogs breakfast that is Euroland. Germany will take responsiblity and bail everyone out, because in the long term its the cheapest option by far. Its just a matter of waiting till they give in. Until then we're all fucked, I fail to see what Cameron or any other fucker could do about the situation in this country in isolation other than token gestures. He knows this and probably thinks "well whats the point in losing face now?" Anything he does will be an irrelevence anyway when faced with the big picture. So dont count on petrol duty going anytime soon folks
  8. Had to google what a baker boy hat was, and agree, a sharp jab to any part of the face was in order. Think I'd prefer a welder's cap, would look less of a cunt I reckon....
  9. Fuck me he's pleased with himself isn't he?
  10. Point is its a hugely expensive one off event, by its very nature any earnings or benefit to the NE or anywhere else in the UK will be temporary and passing. Nothing long term. Its really very little to crow about in the week when hundreds on Tyneside are losing their jobs....ok "Jack"?
  11. Yeah, its a good read. Think Ashley may have read the chapter on the rise of Lyon.
  12. It amounts to the same thing though...he's going to have input into who comes in and who is sold, but possibly not the final word. Same as here. It's called "the wisdom of crowds"......according to that book Leazes keeps banging on about it is anyway....and its very common in clubs across Europe.
  13. Great photos, canardly stop laughing at them...
  14. 123 league appearances at 21 year old means that he is immensley more experianced than Tavernier who is the same age....I think theyve got it wrong in the journal and I think this lad will be Simpson's replacement should he leave. The Debuchy thing sounds too good to be true tbh, and manu need a right back.
  15. Am at work, but at a guess is it CT?...
  16. i work for a major defence contractor in manufacturing who may or may not be the parent company of what used to be Armstrong Vickers.... Been around a long time....built the first ever British tanks which appeared in the Battle of the Somme in 1916.
  17. Aye... Global Combat Systems Re-structuring Page Content In March, I announced a revised organisation structure for GCS and I am now in a position to update you on our re-structuring proposals. I have been analysing how we can work to establish the right footprint for our business and to size it to match the current and future projected workload. We need to be more agile and adapt to very challenging market conditions and it is essential that we look to further reduce our overheads to become more cost-effective. A thorough review of possible work for Newcastle has concluded that there are no potential prospects of any new vehicle manufacturing work after the current Terrier programme is complete. We will, therefore, now begin consultation with the Trade Unions on the potential closure of the Newcastle site at the end of 2013, with the potential reduction of up to 330 roles (including 27 contractors). While I appreciate that this is difficult news, Terrier remains an important programme for the British Army and we must ensure that we continue to meet our programme milestones and deliver the 60 vehicles on time. As part of the consultation with the Trade Unions we intend to propose the retention of a small specialist team in the North East of England to provide on-going support to customers of our heavy tracked vehicles. The size and location of that team will form part of the consultation, but ultimately it will be dependent on the anticipated workload from customers, principally the UK MoD. In this challenging business environment we need to ensure that our Head Office is lean and cost-effective. We will now enter into consultation with employees at Farnborough over a proposal to move out of the Chester House offices by 31 December 2012 and relocate to Telford. This will potentially affect up to 27 employees with up to ten job losses. In Munitions the transformation programme is delivering year on year efficiency improvements and changes in current market conditions have also led to a reduction in volumes of products required by our UK customer. To ensure that the Munitions business remains cost-effective we will now begin consultation with the Trade Unions on the potential need to reduce the headcount in the business by up to 280 roles (100 employees and 180 contractors). I appreciate that any announcement of this nature is difficult and I can assure you that we will, of course, support all of our employees affected by this announcement and will seek to mitigate the proposed job losses where possible. In the meantime, I know I can trust you all to continue to focus on delivering quality products and services to our customers. Charlie Blakemore Managing Director Global Combat Systems Theyve cut loads in aviation in the last year and after the our part of the 2nd carrier is done in a couple of years it'll be our turn here in Pompey. All these lads can possibly look forward to is getting jobs on the Carrier project up in Rosyth if theyre lucky, probably through an employment agency. The team I was on last year had a lad from the Terrier project on it, he's from Washington and had been with Vickers/BAE since he left school.He took redundancy at 60 2 years ago and got a massive payout and now earns half decent money down here. Some may be in the same boat but unless you want to move from Newcastle I'd imagine a lot of his old muckers will never work again,not to mention lads with young families who need to put bread on the table every week.
  18. He's got a flat in Bournemouth but attends his rehab centre every day apparently. Does a lot of fishing. The father and brother in law saw him one day on the Avon near Christchurch and said he was very chatty but they couldnt understand a word he said He had someone with him and they reckoned he was sober but just sort of frazzled, poor fucker. Still the best player I've ever seen...maybe...
  19. oh dear The "outstanding candidiate" for this job hasnt been mentioned in the press at all.....and am pleased he and his team are staying at SJP ... For the players recruited and the league placings acheived on the given budget in the last 18 months Pardew,Carr and Carver have shown themselves to be fuckin geniuses. Is it fair to say we've signed 3 top class international players in that time?...Cisse,Ben Arfa and Cabaye?...can Demba be mentioned in that company? how many have Liverpool signed in that time?.... What are those yanks watching ffs?
  20. Commolli hasnt been replaced has he?...did Rogers agree to someone coming in above him after Martinez told them he wanted to do the gig on his own?....
  21. Brenda's going to Liverpool apparently..... http://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/0/football/18235961
  22. Is he likely to be playing in the semi finals this summer?....which sort of proves my point. He's unplayable on his day, but his days have been few and far between lately, mostly because he doesnt get the service at Liverpool and I cant see it being much better next month tbh. Gazza,Pedro and Waddle were from a generation who played off the cuff, todays players need a fuckin road map and a session with a sports psychlogist to find the opposisitoins half sometimes.
  23. I wouldnt put it as strongly as that but theres a strong element of truth to what you say. The two best strikers the UK produced in that period are Dennis Law and Kenny Dalglish. Some good judges would tell you best right back is Danny McGrain. Theres good arguments for Hansen and Souness in that time too. As you say, the communities these lads came from have all gone, for various reasons. Sadly, I dont think the Newcastle area will ever have 2 brothers playing in a World Cup final or 3 players playing in a World Cup semi again because the North East is going the same way as Scotland as far as producing players is concerned. Carrick couldnt give a fuck and is bog standard at top level and Johnson is at the wrong club. Wonder if he'd take a pay cut?....and apart from those 2 who is there?....sad times.
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