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Everything posted by PaddockLad

  1. Quietly drinking a bottle of Bud at the end of the bar with a mate of his....it was quiet-ish when I walked in about midday but was filling up quick so he stayed for about 10 mins getting his photo took with folk but then I think he could see the bar would soon be mobbed so he fucked off. Fuckin tiny (comparitively) up close, fuck knows how he struck fear iinto the Barca backline that night...there again when he was in the mood he was a brilliant footballer, that might have something to do with it
  2. Tino was in the 3 bulls before the game . Cunts wouldn't stop pestering the poor bloke....photos to follow
  3. not happening according to the evening standard tonight....900 million alone to extend the Northern Line to Battersea. is there much of a waiting list at CFC?.....not trying to be ultra critical, but Wenger had to produce a team playing the football of the gods to get 60k+ into The Emirates and now they dont live up to those high standards they no longer fill it....CFC aren't well known for their attractive football. Good point about Bates though...he thought the whole of Chelsea's core support would suddenly turn themselves into champagne swilling yuppies to support the various "income streams" he set up at the ground....silly twat, knows fuck all about football fans.
  4. Got back from France at 9, knew he was ill but still a big shock Saw them 3 times...first one they got bottled off in Glasgow in 87, we got a minibus up from the tech I was attending at the time, fuckin near riot which as 18 year olds we thought was the best thing we'd ever seen!...saw them at Glasto around around 94ish and at Brixton around the same time, utterly brilliant by then, they had it all. That album "Ill Communication" is as good as Pauls Boutique for me, but if you're not familiar with them you could pick any out of the 7 or so studio albums the Beastie Boys have recorded and still be blown away, theyre all a great listen. "Licensed to Ill" still stands up to scrutiny iyam, not as intricate,imaginitive or well produced as later albums but as a straight up party/rock album its as good a you'll hear. Them and Rick Rubin changed the game where hip hop was concerned, white middle class kids doing ghetto music just hadn't happened before in the US to any great extent. Hugley influential and MCA was a massive part of it. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tEM3dW2oWW4
  5. A gang of us flew into Gatwick from Amsterdam and on landing made straight for the WC in arrivals. One of the lads came in after us and said "urr theres a bloke off the telly outside, think its the geezer from that old sitcom "duty free"...." Went outside and walked straight into the (as of today) new Engalnd manager. Yes. Our non stop fun filled partying ways back then knew no bounds, getting on down with Roy was just part of it, thrill a minute etc etc....we did get our photo took with him actually, if you lot are having trouble sleeping I'll dig it out It was after he was sacked by Blackburnand he was stood beneath the courousel that said "Bilbao"..."Got a job in Spain Roy?" I asked..."No, am waiting for the wife, she's having a slash" he replied. As I say, crazy guy.
  6. I reckon he's the best centre back I've seen in my life. My mate reckons Colo's better "cos hes got shite playing in front of him" compared with Komapany Seems a good character as well...his half manc/flemish/french/whatever accent is cool as fuck too
  7. Not really on about form as such, am on about fuckin up huge opportunities in genreral, and luck I guess....2 FA cup finals v a double winning side and a treble winning side, playing Chelsea off the park the next season and getting beat in the semi, Liverpool being fuckin hopeless all season after spending 70 mill plus on shite then winning one cup and in the final of another, blowing a 12 point lead at the top of the table, Liverpool again winning the champions league in an unbeleivably jammy fashion.....In general we blow it and have very little luck when it really counts, and,sad to say, that is the "real" us.
  8. Alaways been like that or have you just gone the same way as a lot of folk in the last few years?....
  9. I said to a mate on Saturday that the "real" Newcastle United turned up at Wigan; not that I think we're a poor team, far from it, but winnng six games on the bounce isnt really what we do....or have done very infrequently over the years. Its another missed opportunity, which is like us, but am far from dispondant.This season has been largely great, and am very hopeful for next season.
  10. None of your foreign muck round here, Flyer on the menu this eve
  11. you wearing that when you meet him at half time on Sunday?!
  12. Cheers all, very grateful. Whats the Metro like late at night?....is it much the same as the tube in London? ie head down, keep yourself to yourself and its unlikely you'll attract bother/nutters/drunks/muggers etc? Is it safer to take a cab, if so are they as pricey as the rest of Paris?... Good call on the steak and chips Chez, but Mrs PL is a militant chicken veggie and quite unadventurous. Eating with her can be tricky, especially abroad. We're going to have one slap up meal out as the budget isnt huge but will stretch to one night where we dont it pan et fromage
  13. What is there to lose though?!...dont fancy one last hurrah for the old guard myself.If,as mentioned by some,they've given up on the England team, its these fuckers and the witless managers who keep picking them who are to blame for it.
  14. Its whats needed tbh. The fag end of the Adam Crozier's "golden generation" just dont fuckin care. Look at the world cup 2 years ago. Theyre all still around!!. Thing is, theres an argument for experiance and youth, so the only one I'd definetly not take is Terry. Oh and Gareth Barry. The rest you can just about make a case for. Just. As theres not a lot coming through.But you can fit some in surely?...play Naughton,Cleverly,Jones etc. Germany weren't scared to do it last time round and had a good tournament. Honestly this is the time to do it. Sink or swim time. Its been proven time and again that this lot dont give a fuck. They play lip service to being proud to play for their country. Always have done.
  15. Thats spot on. He's ideal in a lot of ways but the egomainiacs in the squad and the press wont give him a chance iyam. And as mentioned you'll have the annointed one bitiching from the sidelines.
  16. Thankless task tbh. The press are fuckin fuming this morning about Redknapp "offically" not being asked.So he's no chance of getting the "country" on his side. Hopefully hes long enough in the tooth to to know that he should just ignore them. Dont know his best course of action...I know what I'd do, I wouldnt even consider Terry, and if his mates in the squad dont like it I'd tell them if they kick off theyll go the same way. But he's probably too much of a diplomat for that. Something needs to change in that squad if they want to move on and that would be the best move iyam.
  17. I'm sure you're right, but I think the precedent is Bowyer and Woodgate not being considered for international before their trial. They seem like innocent times now like
  18. You're right of course, for some reason I thought it was in early June. If Roy and the FA dont bite the bullet and just leave him out altogether then the tournament will be a waste of time. He's divisive to say the least.
  19. If Terry gets convicted of being a racist then one of the main obstacles in the way of squad harmony will be removed. We might then stand half a chance of quarter final exit on penalties to a nation we've probably been at war with sometime in the last 200 years or so. Spurs fans thinking that the FA have dicked Harry about are well wide of the mark..all they have to do is buy a newspaper in the morning and read the writers' names on the back page to see who they should be turning their guns upon. Am sort of pleased the FA appear not to have been swayed by the press on this. Or Harry couldve told them he didnt want it, or that he only wanted it for this summer. There will no doubt be claim and counter claim in the press on that one. Hodgson doesnt have his teams play full steam ahead, on the front foot. Until the rise of Spain in the last few years quite a lot of succesful international sides have been a bit er "dull" like this; Greece and Italy spring to mind here, and a lot of the very good but ultimately unsuccessful German sides of the last few tournaments have been functional rather than inspired. He's managed 3 teams at summer tournaments too. Not bad, but England have tried every sort of manager in the past and all have been found wanting in one way or other, and with little expectation this time round he and the team might (comparatively) thrive.
  20. Funny you should say that Fish the Sacre Couer is the only thing I remember about Paris from when we went with the school and I was certainly thinking about going there. Don't know what the area is like now, back then there was loads of artists sat in the street outside doing portraits and caricatures etc. Just borrowed the rough guide to France from a mate and there's so much to see its going to be impossible to see everything so we're going to steer clear of actual museums ( really wanted to see the musee Picasso but its shut they got the builders in) as such and go up and down the Seine in the water taxis and get off where we fancy and just go and wander.
  21. Thanks for the replies folks. We're staying near la place de republique Billy. Am thinking we can get the metro to a bar which may have it on then get a cab back, but am thinking the cabs will be as pricey as everything else in Paris?
  22. election for admin?.... what are your policies Stevie? "mug test" for all OOT's and OOC's?...
  23. Never let a woman book holiday dates unsupervised.....mines has managed the seemingly unique feat of booking off the most important week of this season and also, almost fuckin unbeleiveably considering there may well be a euro qualifier on the horizon, the first two weeks of next season. So we're off to Paris next week, hoping to do bog standard Paris stuff as she's never been and I haven't since we went with the school. Wondering A. where might be a good place to possibly catch the Chelsea match in central Paris? and B. apart from all the proper touristy stuff is there anything a bit off the beaten track that may be of interest or worth seeing?
  24. Dizzy Rascal and Tanita Tikaram.....the issue is s bit confused as they got married last year.
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