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Everything posted by PaddockLad

  1. Only one left now...Harry Patch, the only man left alive who fought in the Flanders trenches at Passchandale. In Austrailia I think the last Gallipolli vet is going to or actually got a state funeral......don't know if I agree with that or not? rip Henry
  2. thats the same cunt who,when a member of their board, advised spurs to have a d.o.f. as well......they sorted that fuckin mess out last December by appointing a manager with proven ability and giving him 20 odd million to spend in January. What did we do......?
  3. WKL gleefully dancing on the grave before it's even been filled in: http://www.guardian.co.uk/football/2009/ju...mbargo-takeover "unnamed source" blah blah blah......but is Ashley trying to force the players into a corner to try and get them to hand transfer requests in so he doesn't have to pay their contracts up?
  4. Danny B Lite what happened to that fucker?...did he get banned in the end?
  5. Just spoke to the ever helpful box office...... this is on nufc.com today: according to the b.o. thats bollocks. There is no memebership scheme in place for this season......yet.... Applications from season ticket holders are invited up till August 1st, then any remaining will go on public sale. With one thing and another, I'm not sure about renewing my season ticket, but I have enough loyalty points have been invited to apply for an "away season ticket" last season and this seaon.So I sent the away ST application off but not the home one, as the wording of the application made no mention whether you had to have a home season ticket or not,it basically said it was done on loyalty points accrued,of which I have over 100. I saw the ticket informtion on nufc.com and logged in to see if I'd got my ticket for West Brom set aside. Seeing no evidence of this I phoned the box office. They've just told me I need to have a home ST if I want to take advantage of the "away ticket offer", which they say isn't an "away season ticket" and isn't described as such. Which is frankly bollocks, it was described as such in the literature.The bottom line in all this is you're almost certainly going to have to have a ST to get a ticket for West Brom, which is pretty much the same as last season I suppose, but with nufc.com saying theres a members sale on at the moment and the club saying there isn't a memebership scheme anyway, I can see there being a lot of confusion about this. The other thing is if you have any loyalty points at all and you don't take a ST this year then you start next season with zero. Cunts.
  6. France won the world cup with Stephane Gui'varch up front on his own.
  7. I think Ashley Young is on his way somewhere.....Most members of the alleged "big 4" (and Villa for that matter) have been or will potentially be directly weakened in some respects by Man City's spending and could use him, if they rate him as highly as many seem to. I'm not so sure about him, nor Abonglahor for that matter.
  8. The best manager for the job out there without a club at the moment is undoubtedly Gordon Strachan imho. If we are bought out, and a new owner appoints someone who isn't Shearer, we as supporters really wouldn't be doing ourselves any favours by reacting in a strongly negative way.....especially with a badly spelt slogan on a bedsheet outside Shearer's bar. Maybe we need a break with the past, a completly fresh start. Appointing Shearer comes with as much negative baggage as it in many ways seems like a good idea in a way.
  9. Aye, the "Eagles of Lisbon" pre match entertainment at the ''Estádio da Luz'' what do you think the mackems would use if they tried to copy that as well? something involving Niall Quinn's pet budgie?
  10. Bob Young said it was to do with those two tilly lamps outside the main entrance....."keeping the lights burning in memory of those who lost their lives working at monkwearmouth pit" etc etc....
  11. See, still deluded. Are we not discussing football teams here rather that the regions surrounding them? I see nothing wrong in promoting the whole region. It is purely geographic and nothing to do with the football team that play in the region. It seems you try to grasp at anything. It proves the point even more, your phycosis is unable to accept your position in the football league. why do you bother to chew through the straps every morning mate?
  12. That scouse bird who got beaten up and half the spurs team?
  13. Confirmed...what the fuck were they thinking of in the first place?.....what about a home game on the Saturday then folk can go to the SBR game on the Sunday?... http://www.nufc.premiumtv.co.uk/page/NewsD...1721386,00.html
  14. fuck me there goes the neigbourhood
  15. Usually it's easily treated but it's normally localized to the testicles or thereabouts at diagnosis. Don't know specifically about this case but I'd imagine it must be quite advanced to have caused symptomatic metastases in the brain, sounds like he's been very unlucky. Hopefully he will respond to chemotherapy because that will be his only hope now. Aye I know fuck all about cancer, but assume the stuff in his nads had gone unnoticed for a while for it to have spread to his brain. I had a nad scan once -piece of piss tbh, and genuinely not worth being a twat and not going to the doc out of embarrassment etc. They had to build a new ward to house them like but once that was sorted it was no bother. It sounds a bit like what Lance Armstrong went through in the mid nineties.....he had testicular cancer which had spread to his brain.....obviously no one is party to the prognosis the JH's doctors have given him, but this really doesn't sound too good for the bloke. Any cancer that has spread i.e. not been caught early is obviously not a good thing. But Armstrong's story shows that you can pull through and in his case acheive incredible things. Best of luck to JH.
  16. We haven't been "Banned", only the author of this thread is suggesting so, no quote in the original article even mentions that. It's a nothing story. For a matter of fact I don't know why its even tinting towards banning only Sunderland, he doesn't say that and just mentions he doesn't want both clubs playing together. He could be referring to Newcastle, perhaps? A nothing club playing another nothing club in a piss little friendly, whilst their big premier league brothers play in one of the largest and most famous pre-season competitions in world football. Thousands of mackems have already got the ferry and hotels booked for the occassion with virtually all tickets sold out, whilst you will be bringing a much smaller band of supporters and have likely sold less tickets in total, and when negoitating this "ban" if it happens, they're going to have to focus on the ones who its going to cause less incovinence too, which unfortunately is the championship plodders, who currently don't have a hope in hell of exsisting as a football club before 2020. You lot are so fucking thick its unbelievable. Please don't add spin control onto a neutrally aimed article. From the author of that crock of shit which you posted the other night? Do the words pot,kettle and black mean anything to you? The article is inferring that the Mayor of Amsterdam wants to ban you lot.....you don't know any better than us if it's going to happen or not. I'd put money on Mr Cohen having had a look at some of you lot on the internet and has made his own mind up
  17. Most mackems booked on the ferry or on flights aren't going to stay at home and miss a weekend in Amsterdam just because the team has been barred from the tournamnet. They'll go anyway, and I think the only mags who want to stay in Amsterdam that weekend will be ones who are going for trouble anyway. I may be going but am going nowhere near Amsterdam, will probably stay in Utrecht itself
  18. If Shearer walks away what are the options though?....he's as good as any availiable.....David O'Leary anyone?
  19. Strachan for me, if he doesn't go to Southampton....Shearer only makes real sense if Ashley can't sell the club.
  20. ....with the Southampton position and bags of money now available. It's probably what Ashley's waiting for so that he can declare that there wasn't 'the right offer' on the table and he can re-install Kinnear without having to worry about people moaning that Shearer didn't get the job. ... c*nt. I'd put a tidy sum on Shearer speaking to Southampton if only to call the various parties' involved at SJP collective bluff.
  21. My Lord oh care my Lord Give me dignity Restore my sanity My vanity is killing me Thin Lizzy "Dear Lord"
  22. Obviously not as it's a text based football forum, not a oral conversation. Newcastle United hasnt been a PLC for about 2 years now fuck off you half witted mackem cretin
  23. Only really used that (in terms of the national team) for the first time in 2002 I think and that was pretty 'European' way of playing with two DMs and the emphasis on Cafu and Roberto Carlos getting foward in the wing back position. Fair enough, it allowed Ronaldinho, Ronaldo and Rivaldo to play in attacking roles but the classic Brazilian teams with attacking flair always had four at the back. When Carlos Alberto scored his famous goal in the 1970 world cup final he did it whilst playing in what would be called today a "wing back" system, alongside 3 centre backs....the next time anyone says "who's ever won anything with 3 at the back?" just tell them probably the greatest team in football history I was under the impression that they played 4-3-3 in that tournament. I thought 3-5-2 with wing-backs came about via Argentina in '86. I suppose different people will theorise differently about these things as the best / most effective formations are fluid rather than rigid. You're probably right mate.....I've not got to that chapter in the book, but I did hear Rodney Marsh say it on the box once
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