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Everything posted by 1892

  1. Agreed. Wouldn't it be typical of our club that we decide to get serious about transfers at the end of the transfer window? Ashley: "What do you mean there's no-one decent available, there's a good 4 days left! Let's work those phones!" We could of been talking to Bolton about Nolan for some time for all we know. Although knowing Newcastle and transfers in the past... Probably not.
  2. Probably 'cos Ashley only started supporting us again last night. Or we're using the money from the Given deal...
  3. Good piece of business if we sign him.
  4. and when we're down to no fucker left? what then? select groundsmen? Theres making a point and then theres shooting ourselves in the foot. If he refuses to play then other clubs will offer less knowing we're fucked otherwise. I wonder just how much Kinnears gob has actually cost us overall? Well if he's refusing to play for us, then what'll be the point? He'll just not care / not put the effort in. I'd rather we played someone who wants to wear the shirt, regardless of the circumstances. Wonder if he'd still refuse if we stopped paying his wages.
  5. Good. We shouldn't play players who don't want to play for us. And he's been wanting out of the club for like 2 years now.
  6. Only if we're planning on letting Cacapa go then i could see why, but it doesn't make sense getting a new CB in, if not.
  7. Plus the way that newcastle have been going in the transfer market, they wouldn't be able to even replace him. I keep reading all these players linked with the club but nothing has come of it so far. Will we even sign anyone? aprt from the one we have till the end of the season. The squad is way to small! ASHLEY GET YOUR CHEQUE BOOK OUT YOU TIGHT ASS...! Maybe we would of if our Player turnover wasn't 63% ..
  8. Must be preparing for Owen's departure...
  9. Well people will ST's there's no point in staying away because we've already paid for our seat for the season, so staying away from the game would of done nothing. But people have cancelled the 3 year DD's, etc... Their should just be an official protest tbh, if things don't seem to improve, which it doesn't look like it will...
  10. He could well be in a couple of weeks. Although he's abit of a cunt. He can't do much worse than JFK. But he seems to be doing a good job on the scouting side.
  11. Aka. We'll get no-one in.
  12. http://translate.google.co.uk/translate?u=...en&ie=UTF-8 Basically he's won a contract for 3 years with Newcastle and is friends with Cacapa who takes him to training and invites him 'round his house.
  13. Quick search on Wikipedia reveals that 2 McKay clients who play in midfield include James McFadden and Scott Brown...
  14. Shouldn't miss anymore tbh. He's served his 1 game ban. Ah right, wey even better. I thought it was a 2-game ban.
  15. The only good news is that Bassong only misses one more game.
  16. Griffin would of had him.
  17. He's the new Glenn Roeder ! He's going to get them in Europe.
  18. I know Toonultras have made numerous new songs up, but they just haven't caught on as a whole, the only exception being "Oh Gutierrez" but i bet most of the people in SJP still don't know the words. & Away games (on the coaches / in the pubs) is the only place where the new songs are heard really (and the old one's like Magpie Ranger/Geordie Alloutte) etc. We could do what Man Utd do, where they have a designed bar pre-match, and sing new and current songs, which could grow from there, although it's just getting permission and setting everything up etc etc. And i agree that SJP needs to be a fortress again, but i think nowadays the only way you can do it is if something happens on the pitch (ie. geordie injustice / success)...
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