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Everything posted by NJS

  1. Later beaten by Sir Les. Aye I remember him screaming at/looking daggers at Mirandinha on many occasions when the daft twat went for goal at the wrong time.
  2. Agree - there was a "he's too short" reaction when he first played but I remember one of his first games was against Wimbledon and he did well against their shite - especially Fashanu. Looking at these photos also reminded me of what a fine player Paul Goddard was for us.
  3. Despite what I said above I would say his is the most saddening "famous" death I can remember - though the death of Stuart Adamson out of Big Country was probably as bad for me.
  4. I know it's the thought that counts but black armbands or even captains made out of insulating/medical tape always look crap
  5. Don't really read them as a rule but the one I enjoyed the most was Jackie Milburns. Also enjoyed Stephen Fry's first one, Lance Armstrongs and Billy Braggs (technically an authorised biog).
  6. Watched the new Indiana Jones last night on Sky - I really wanted this to be one of those "surely the critics must be wrong" things but it wasn't - it got worse as it went on. I would still kill for 5 minutes with Karen Allen though.
  7. On the "not a bad word" thing - I watched that tribute on BBC last night and theres some journalists out there who I presume are still working who need to beaten with the hypocrisy stick for their outpourings of praise this week.
  8. I'm not having a go on an individual level Craig - I accept the "each to their own" pov - I just feel as a general trend its something I find a bid strange.
  9. I agree with that 100% but I'm starting to feel things are getting stupid. The rise of the death cult a la Diana/Goody/Jackson which now includes Bobby shows a desperation of people needing to grieve over people they don't actually know which I think is very unhealthy. I'm sad the man is dead but the way people are talking here about crying their eyes out/being devastated etc can only lead me to think they've never suffered the loss of someone close - or if they have I think they should re-evaluate what should be the appropriate difference between the two.
  10. RIP Amazed he lasted this long - and I mean that as a tribute to the man.
  11. When Biffa introduced me to Niall I did tell him that I'd assumed he was an imaginary friend. I think their take is that message boards are not worth the hassle and they spend enough time just doing .com (I mean from a running one pov).
  12. If selling someone means it keeps the immediate wolf from the door (no pun intended) or it greases the wheels in the sale somehow then I'm happy it's Martins rather than Beye or Bassong.
  13. Don't get me started on the levels of fuckwittery at channel 4 on programming - they completely messed up Babylon 5 first time around - not showing it for weeks, sometimes out of order and then showed the final 5 eps of a meticulously plotted arc which had been building for 5 years at 9:30am as part of "the bigger breakfast" one xmas holidays - complete with the bigger breakfast logo on the screen and moronic voiceovers around all the ad breaks. I honestly came the closest I ever have to contemplating murder which says something as I harbour a lot of dark thoughts as a rule. Another shout out goes to Andi Peters who some fuckwit gave a job to at channel 4 and he proceeded to buy Angel and thinking it was just like Buffy scheduled it a 6pm hacked to ribbons. Cunts the lot of them. PS I forgot how much they messed around with The West Wing as well showing they haven't improved.
  14. I think what is more likely to be holding things up is the price of the club, the size of the overdraft and the debt owed to Ashley. Keith Harris being away for a long weekend isn't going to hold up anything at all. I realise that - I just expect the twats to be on the case 24/7.
  15. What pissed me off in that (otherwise spot on) was the note that Harris had been away "on a short break" - if that has held anything up its a fucking disgrace and the twat should lose money for it.
  16. A mate of mine has a full A-team collection but actually revels in how ridiculously shit it is.
  17. Anyone else remember trying to swim like he did? - fucking impossible
  18. Easier by category: Cult/Sci-Fi: Babylon 5 Angel Buffy Dark Angel SG-1 Roswell Drama: The West Wing House Weeds Alias 24 NCIS Comedy: The Simpsons Men Behaving Badly Red Dwarf Coupling Brass Absolutely
  19. Off the top of my head: Dogma Grosse Point Blank Stargate
  20. NJS


    Totally agree. I reckon from the age of 5 to 14, 95% of my living thoughts were about football. Even worse though are blokes who just don't like football, I haven't got one male mate who is a football hater, I don't think I could have neither. How can you have a mate who doesn't like football? I didn't meet anyone who was working class who didn't like football until I started work - that was a lad who is still a mate from Shiremmor who just didn't get it. Funny thing was he used to use Stevie-esque arguments about me being from South of the Tyneand being a Geordie and I always replied that football was so part of what I consiedered the Geordie identity that I couldn't really accept him as one either.
  21. On an instinctive level I've always noticed that good managers have a strength of character and determination to win which could be described as being a cunt - I think Shearer meets the criteria on that basis. In practical terms I think its the right time - despite all the talk of an instant return I think the pressure is actually not that intense considering the realistic view of where we are.
  22. NJS


    I've said before that I've been falling out of love with football in general and especially NUFC for the last 3 or 4 years. I don't know whether its age or just being worn down by the drudgery of game after game after game with no real pleasure. Having served my "apprenticeship" when we were really shit I honestly thought those days were behind us and mid-table premier league mediocrity was the worst thing that could happen. I've tried to be positive by playing the novelty factor for some different/new places to go this season but I can't see that lasting beyond a year. As for home games, I was finding it hard enough to be arsed to go see "big" teams so I can't see many trips in the near future.
  23. Decided its Suede week for no apparent reason - going through the albums on the train.
  24. I think the Shawshank Redemption is a bloody good film but I can see what he's getting at - there is a tendency for over-reverence with some films.
  25. NJS


    Should have threatened the twat with acne cream.
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