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How well paid you are

Happy Face

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Not aimed at this thread specifically, more in general, but when did it become ok to ask someone how much they earn?

Amazes me that people think its acceptable in normal conversation.

I know what you mean but in the spirit of freedom of information I can confirm I have a shite every day and have a piss when I wake up. My wages are above average according to that link, but if you took away unsociability shift allowances would be under. I've never worked 'proper' mon-fri hours for 16 years. I'm a bit fed up with shiftwork tbh.

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Don't really get it either MF, but it's loads more commonplace in some countries/cultures, for what it's worth - the Germans will talk salary even without knowing each other particuarly well, for example. It's just a standard bit of ice-breaking conversation. I'm sure Parky will have something to say about the matter. ;)

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Yeah I've never been one to say what I earn. Always happy to say when I was skint as fuck like when my first salary was 6.5k a year back in 1990.


I'd not give a % now as you can just work it back. A flat figure doesnt give a picture anyway. Two people on 2k per month for example are not necessarily equal.


My initial comment was that 1k here is worth a different amount in a different country so it doesn't give a true comparison. Of course they might have taken that into account and adjusted the figures, didn't really pay that much attention.

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Not aimed at this thread specifically, more in general, but when did it become ok to ask someone how much they earn?

Amazes me that people think its acceptable in normal conversation.


I'm glad it's not aimed at this thread because this thread didn't. People just started volunteering the information.



Which, like you, I find quite grotesque.



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Don't really get it either MF, but it's loads more commonplace in some countries/cultures, for what it's worth - the Germans will talk salary even without knowing each other particuarly well, for example. It's just a standard bit of ice-breaking conversation. I'm sure Parky will have something to say about the matter. ;)


In the past I'd guess it was more open as there were common pay scales/grades in alot of workplaces. It's only since deunionised individual Contracts that secrecy is now the norm.


From the job hunting I did last year I can guess what my peers in other places and also my colleagues are on within reason so its not something that bothers me - though I do respect the convention not to talk about it.


I suppose I can admit that my result is higher than those stated so far.

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About 4 x the New Zealand average and 6 x the world average. However NZ is a low wage economy and the cost of living is comparatively high.


You're on $14000 a month!


Well done


If you haven't put a yearly amount in there I think you should pay for the upkeep on this place, you championship standard salary getting bastard ;)

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Decent wage and more than the average but not as much as i want....

more money...more power!


More toontastic add ons! ;)

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Not aimed at this thread specifically, more in general, but when did it become ok to ask someone how much they earn?

Amazes me that people think its acceptable in normal conversation.


A few years back, before I met my girlfriend, I was finding it a pretty common occurance for women to be asking me this on a first date, which I thought was a bit off. Kind of the equivilant of me asking her how tight her twat is. You want to know, but you'll find out in due course anyway.

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Don't really get it either MF, but it's loads more commonplace in some countries/cultures, for what it's worth - the Germans will talk salary even without knowing each other particuarly well, for example. It's just a standard bit of ice-breaking conversation. I'm sure Parky will have something to say about the matter. ;)


A lot of Germans are fantastically uncultured and awkward in social situations (they don't really converse well - it's more like trading data). It seems their fav subject is food, something they will go on and on about and a close second is cleanliness and tidyness, wether it be the UBahn or some tinkering in their abodes. Most need babysitting through even the most mundane conversations so as not to spook the herd. I spend a lot of time maufacturing white lies, gentle chides and the ocassional whoppers untill the 3rd/4th pint starts to take hold and then I switch to the holocaust or summink to lighten things.

Edited by Park Life
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If you're dating women like that, I'd say you should just lie and say you're a major shareholder in CBC Ltd.


I don't understand why the wage question appears to be something of a taboo. Would any of you really feel uncomfortable talking about how much you earn amongst friends?

Like a few other's I think it'd be gauche to brazenly talk about what I earn when some of my mates are struggling. Especially when the pervading opinion is that I have been fairly fortunate when it comes to jobs.


If they were to ask, I'd not lie, but I wouldn't offer it up if the context of the conversation meant that to disclose would be be to show a distinct lack of humility or grace.


But then we in the bourgeoisie do feel it's our duty to consider the feelings of the hoi polloi :hi:

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You're on $14000 a month!


Well done


If you haven't put a yearly amount in there I think you should pay for the upkeep on this place, you championship standard salary getting bastard ;)


It's NZ dollars so it's not real money like your great British pounds......

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