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Yes Gemmill...


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She's apparently on life support now but realistically considering the time it would have taken to get any substantial medical attention (intubation, ventilation & adrenaline) I'm not optimistic for her chances of survival :(

I think all flights should have proper medical kits and crew should be trained to paramedic level - no more Airplane scenarios.


It's quite surprising Carrie Fisher has lasted this long - she's had a hard life but always seems to have coped with it with good humour. I hope she pulls through.

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I think all flights should have proper medical kits and crew should be trained to paramedic level - no more Airplane scenarios.


It's quite surprising Carrie Fisher has lasted this long - she's had a hard life but always seems to have coped with it with good humour. I hope she pulls through.

All flight attendants should be trained to paramedic level :lol:


It would take them 10 x longer to that training than it would to do the flight attendant training man

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All flight attendants should be trained to paramedic level [emoji38]


It would take them 10 x longer to that training than it would to do the flight attendant training man

Just one per flight would do.


I guess it would be easier to train paramedics to point at exits and smile.

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She's apparently on life support now but realistically considering the time it would have taken to get any substantial medical attention (intubation, ventilation & adrenaline) I'm not optimistic for her chances of survival :(

They're saying now that I t was 15 minutes before they landed. I'd imagine the emergency response time wouldn't be much better in most cases. Might give her a bit more chance of survival.

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