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Generic small time football blather thread FOREVER


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1 hour ago, Andrew said:

If anyone IS wondering, Guehis father decided to make the subtext into just regular text this week. 

Nailed on. Really hope we don't go back in for him. 

"Balance the message" because JC had a lot to say about it (not). 


Fucking religion (or more correctly how cunts use it).

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2 hours ago, Chaser said:

I personally do not care whether someone is gay or not, people should be left alone to do whatever they want as consenting adults, but if I'm given a choice, I'm not wearing a rainbow armband. I don't wish to promote sexuality in my job because I don't see it relevant in the industry I'm in (yet they push it), same as I don't see how sport should be virtue signalling certain sectors of society and not others. I get that the incessant campaign by Stonewall has improved the acceptance of others, but then I think we've gone far beyond just loving men or women to acquiescing with mental health and trying to see that as normal just because they link it with sexuality. Guehi for me is hiding behind religion but then I don't think any employed footballer would dare say anything different because they'd be cancelled by their club and by the loud vocal minority on social media. I don't think anyone should be forced to promote something else against their will, otherwise all we are doing is shutting down the right to  and individual opinion.

Promoting sexuality :lol: 

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46 minutes ago, Alex said:

Promoting sexuality :lol: 

Of course it is. It supports a cause, the definition of promotion, in this case LGBTQ+ rights. This country has made huge steps in having gay rights recognised and rightly so, especially given the historic treatment of those persecuted for it, but I think within the last few years, we've gone beyond the equilibrium to a point where some institutions just seem to have lost sight of what the original message sought to achieve and now it's just something that has to be front and centre first and foremost and actually running a company 2nd. We've become obsessed with sexuality, obsessed with pronouns, and creating division by identity. What was originally fought for is now open to abuse. People are afraid of saying what is a scientific fact. The whole idea of choice and freedom to be whoever you wish to be is suddenly reversed if someone decides that they don't want to wear the armbands/rainbows for whatever reason they choose but are forced to.  

Edited by Chaser
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57 minutes ago, Chaser said:

Of course it is. It supports a cause, the definition of promotion, in this case LGBTQ+ rights. This country has made huge steps in having gay rights recognised and rightly so, especially given the historic treatment of those persecuted for it, but I think within the last few years, we've gone beyond the equilibrium to a point where some institutions just seem to have lost sight of what the original message sought to achieve and now it's just something that has to be front and centre first and foremost and actually running a company 2nd. We've become obsessed with sexuality, obsessed with pronouns, and creating division by identity. What was originally fought for is now open to abuse. People are afraid of saying what is a scientific fact. The whole idea of choice and freedom to be whoever you wish to be is suddenly reversed if someone decides that they don't want to wear the armbands/rainbows for whatever reason they choose but are forced to.  

Sexuality isn’t a cause 

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I may regret this post. But, everyone, I'm not trying to stir up shit here. This is mostly about my position on these matters.


I think these types of public statements quickly lose their impetus because they come to be viewed as a mandatory gesture. They become performative and perfunctory occasions that have very little bearing on the core issue: morality and freedom.


And that's my central problem with these sorts of initiatives is that they become less about caring for the freedoms of everyone, i.e., the basis of morality, and more about the potential to use a worthy cause, i.e., anti-homophobia campaigns, as a prop to express one's own sense of moral superiority over others. But, which others? Idiots? Octogenarians? Morons from another age? Big whoop.


Personally, I have a problem with the sense of tokenism associated with these sorts of initiatives where an individual is reduced or at least diminished toward a simple association with the minority group to which they happen to belong. And then support for their freedom is apparently offered, at least in part, on that basis. I don't support the freedoms of gay people or black people or women or whoever. I support the freedoms of everyone with whom I interact on a daily basis. And this isn't a right-wing "all lives matter" piece of bullshit either. That is a nonsensical dogwhistle masquerading as a moral position. It is a simple fact for me that a gay person is a person, first and foremost. I think wearing an armband to express support for what should be the default position is kinda stupid and unnecessary. I don't need to know a person is gay to respect their freedoms as a person. And I don't need people in a crowd who I don't know to know what I think about issue x, y, or z. This isn't because I am aloof or otherwise "don't want that type of person around me" or whatever nonsense. I'm perfectly happy with everyone in my company so long as they're an interesting and well-intentioned person. I find the notion that I should support a person because of x to be potentially demeaning for both of us.


Really. What do gay people give a shit if I support them? Who the fuck am I? I'm just some idiot. I view taking a public stance on anything as really just an expression of my vanity. And I cringe at even making this post because I try to keep out of this stuff for that exact reason. But I can hopefully justify making this post in the hopes of being corrected. But, for me, my opinion doesn't validate anybody except (maybe) the people I know and love. :D 


Anyway, on everyone's sharing of an opinion, it seems that that's the way of the world has gone when most are oriented massively towards individuality and materialism. A default moral position has become just another trinket to attach to your person and carry around like it's a token of your "personality". A lot of people seem to think that everyone else thinks about them all day and that a failure to acknowledge a person whom you don't know anything about has become comparable to bigotry.


I support people's right to not wear an armband or kneel or any other compelled perfunctory action because, in accordance with Kant (you may laugh but I happen to deal with his work quite a lot), a moral stance is not possible without freedom. If I'm compelled to be a "moral person" then my capacity to actually be a moral person is stolen from me and my freedom is gifted to those attempting to enforce "moral actions" upon me through compulsion. That doesn't mean I don't support the impetus behind wearing an armband or anything else. However, I don't believe wearing one can represent the essence of its original purpose in the setting of a public ritual that people did not choose to take part in. Not to get all philosophical but philosophy is something I deal with on a day-to-day basis. For me, one's moral actions, if they are to be deemed to be good moral actions, must be separated from motivations situated in expediency or social or bodily self-preservation. For me, everyone ought to allow other people's freedom to motivate their own behavior and a refusal to entertain other people's right to self-expression is a violation of that principle even if those other people happen to be wrong-headed idiots.


Of course, we could compare wearing an armband to a ritual in which actions are compelled. And that is perfectly acceptable. Rituals have an important place for us so why not accept wearing an armband as a ritual? For me, the fundamental point with a ritual is that they ought to be done in a private setting so as to avoid the problem of social compulsion intruding (as much as possible) on people's moral agency in choosing to take part. I mean "private" here in the sense that everyone is there by choice to engage in the ritual and not there for some other reason with the ritual tacked on as an ancillary act. Put simply with a private ritual everyone is there to take part. So, we can see that the public event of wearing an armband, is not offered as an invitation to a private ritual. It is not the purpose of people attending a football match to be a part of a public ritual foisted upon them by people who want to pronounce loudly "I'm a good person" then scowl around the crowd in hopes of finding an outlier to direct their sense of superiority against. This is why things like Mardi Gras and any other cultural event celebrating our diverse landscape of individuals are so wonderful. We need them. They are fun. There should be more of them, especially for young people, to educate and broadening out people's perspectives. But coopting another event for the task is not something that I particularly like because I don't want to be complicit in tokenizing the lives of real people for the benefit of narcissists. I also don't want to celebrate something at the expense of someone's else freedom. Even if I think that other person is a twit.


All that said, fuck homophobes. Geuhi seems like a complete plonker. He hasn't expressed the position above. He has seemingly expressed that he's a bigot who doesn't like gay people. That's truly sad. In any case, I was never convinced about his signing in the first place. So further vindication for the "No" votes in the poll thread. :lol:


P.S. I'm not accusing anyone here of engaging with this cause to tokenize others or make themselves look like a good person for its own sake or whatever. I think the vast vast majority of people on here are great people. Genuinely. My main concern is my own hangup. I want to be a good person and in order to have some control over that I need to do my best to make sure my "good" actions are motivated by good moral causes which turns "moral" actions into moral actions, if that makes any sense. At least I hope so.

Edited by toonotl
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10 hours ago, Chaser said:

 The whole idea of choice and freedom to be whoever you wish to be is suddenly reversed if someone decides that they don't want to wear the armbands/rainbows for whatever reason they choose but are forced to.  


No one is forced to wear it. Morsy refused to wear it and has faced no action for it. It's Guehi's choice to wear it but caveat the whole thing with a message about Jesus that has pissed people off. I've slightly more respect for people who are open and up front about their homophobia than snide little cunts like Guehi.

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15 hours ago, Kevin Carr's Gloves said:

@Chaser yeah we’re wondering what this scientific fact is.

I'm referring to gender based arguments - trans-women wanting to compete in women's sport, gender specific spaces, who can give birth etc. 


I've read the replies, the attempt at ridicule is sadly the defacto go to reply on social media for anyone who dares to share an opinion which might not be shared by them. Society is fucked without debate and respect for individual opinion, no matter how much you might disagree with it. 


Getting back to the point, if Guehi wasn't instructed to wear it then he should have just not worn it. As far as suggesting Howe might not entertain him, he works under the KSA.


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25 minutes ago, Chaser said:

I'm referring to gender based arguments - trans-women wanting to compete in women's sport, gender specific spaces, who can give birth etc. 


I've read the replies, the attempt at ridicule is sadly the defacto go to reply on social media for anyone who dares to share an opinion which might not be shared by them. Society is fucked without debate and respect for individual opinion, no matter how much you might disagree with it. 


Getting back to the point, if Guehi wasn't instructed to wear it then he should have just not worn it. As far as suggesting Howe might not entertain him, he works under the KSA.


So are you unsure about trans people and do you support their right to exist because that’s not clear?

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2 hours ago, Kevin Carr's Gloves said:

So are you unsure about trans people and do you support their right to exist because that’s not clear?

I support their right to exist but I don't support their expectation to compete against women in sport. 


I get the feeling you're trying to hang me publicly. I'd say message me, but then you won't get to appear to be more virtuous to others over private discussion. 

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