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Scottish Mag

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I’m going to the 21st birthday party of  two lads who’s dads are mates of mine. One of the birthday boys was with us in Newcastle earlier this year…so there’s going to be a huge team of young shavers all flat out on the piss waiting for the middle aged to try to keep up with them in the drinking stakes. Stand by for reports of the severity of hangover and any behaviour that may incur feelings of regret ☺️😬🍺

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7 hours ago, Howmanheyman said:

It's that time of the day when most of TT stop posting while they get ready to go home after a hard day browsing on here and elsewhere. Roy Castle's 'dedication' could've been written for you and your laser focused determination to do a hard days work for your employer. I salute that absolute dedication and look forward to you posting on here in the house later on when you get bored after your tea or something and your lass starts talking shite to you. 


Sad Doctor Who GIF

Reeks of the office life jealousy this imo

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I see Conor McGregor has been found guilty in a civil trial of sexual assault. His 6th similar allegation in recent years iirc.


He admitted during the trial that he often books hotels to sleep with random women on a weekend. Which makes it all the more bizarre that his Mrs was hanging off his arm to and from court every day. 

Short odds for this guy ending up dead or in jail in the not too distant future 

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1 minute ago, thebrokendoll said:


I strongly recommend stopping in, seems stupid to needlessly put your osteogenesis imperfecta at risk.


But if he does go out, I'm sure he'll wrap up and have his mittens on. :good:

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I went for a haircut a bit earler and he asked me if it was snowing "up my way" I replied I jusr lived around the corner - fuck knows why he thought I'd travel 300 miles south for a trim. 

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6 minutes ago, Ayatollah Hermione said:

I’m out down the Fish Quay for an all day session, weather be damned. I’m like an Ice Road Trucker but instead of driving through the elements to deliver motorcycle parts to Alaskans, I’m fighting through wind and rain in a quest for a decent Guinness 


I do fancy going out for a pint, haven't been properly out for ages. Can I stalk you? :lol:

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