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Scottish Mag

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No snow here although we had a fair amount straight from the North Sea on Wednesday.


Anyway, the board is fucked again isn't it? I mean, I would like to help but obviously not really my thing. It;s getting almost unusable. 

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23 minutes ago, Howmanheyman said:

Never really appreciated how much a soundtrack could influence a film scene till I saw this. Fair play. :good:






:lol: Actually remember seeing that film (different soundtrack :lol: ) on the coach going on holiday to Estartit 

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12 hours ago, Kid Dynamite said:

I see Conor McGregor has been found guilty in a civil trial of sexual assault. His 6th similar allegation in recent years iirc.


He admitted during the trial that he often books hotels to sleep with random women on a weekend. Which makes it all the more bizarre that his Mrs was hanging off his arm to and from court every day. 

Short odds for this guy ending up dead or in jail in the not too distant future 

He’s a fucking scumbag and his wife is an absolute mug. I genuinely wish ill of the cunt.



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Takes me 10 minutes to drive to work. 

Tonight, on the way, three separate times, had to swerve to avoid daft cunts, dressed head to foot in black, on bikes, no lights. 

All on unlit sections of road, but that had a path they could’ve ridden on. 


I’m beginning to think Darwin might have been wrong. 


Also just realised, none of them even had a rear reflector- isn’t that standard on a bike? 
You’d have to purposely remove it. 


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15 minutes ago, ewerk said:

his wife is an absolute mug.

I know nowt about her, but given his history of rape and unprovoked violence, she could well be on the receiving end of it herself. 
It’s incredibly common for domestic violence victims to feel unable to leave. 

Not saying she is a victim, but it wouldn’t be shock if it turned out she was. 

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54 minutes ago, Gemmill said:

15 degrees at 5am here today. Was getting ready to snow this time yesterday. 

Bikini weather in the Bigg Market. 🙂 


Edited by RobinRobin
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God doing a bit of quality control on the production line:


"You've overdone the bones on this one"


Angel: "oops sorry God"


God: "no matter, we can compensate, we'll make him ginger and make sure you get his heart from the slight seconds bin"


Angel: "Should I tell the ego department to over inflate it on this one too" (wink)


God: "Yes, yes, perfect"

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So sexy that your weekend consists of at least two self flagellating aerobic workouts  in the middle of the fucking night…each to their own but if you’re not running to an early morning neighbourhood liaison all that sexiness is being wasted as far as I can make out  :cuppa:

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