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  1. Past hour
  2. Same polling show Sunak's approval rating has worsened by TEN POINTS.
  3. https://x.com/eurofootcom/status/1800116950665978185
  4. Nothing racist about this whatsoever. PC woke gone mad.
  5. @RobinRobin had curled one out into the server. Took a week for it to be properly cleaned out, sanitised and rebooted.
  6. We should get the expert cunts on RTG to confirm if it is an Ostrich or an emu, or a kittiwake.
  7. Today
  8. Chris is a lercal lad after all
  9. Aye Wife and I went shopping into Leeds on Saturday. So got in early and had breakfast. That come to £37 alone!
  10. this maniac against sleepy joe - not exactly the most inspiring contest
  11. The eggy bens, I think the kids call it.
  12. Our lad's school has one week of the whit break later than seemingly every other borough, so that's the one week a year that holidays are remotely affordable. Just got back from Centre Parcs and it was about 60% of the price than it would have been a week earlier. Can't imagine we'll be doing anything more interesting than going to visit the folks in the other school holidays.
  13. The best bit is the off-topic ramble within the ramble when he goes on about a lot of people justifying the actions of the sharks that have recently attacked people.
  14. My masculine spirit animal isn't Andrew Tate or Joe Rogan, it's Bandit; the dad from Bluey. Any parents whose kids watch it might not know this, but Bandit is an archaeologist and the mum is in airport security. So he digs for a living, and she sniffs out drugs. Because those are dog jobs.
  15. I do that now with family and it's north of £100 even in a modest place. Had some nice eggs benedict and coffee this weekend at a local cafe, was £16. The cost of eating and drinking out is the mot noticeable thing recently I think. We've got a decent household income, but can rarely afford to eat out. Holidays are another. Feels like you are just working to survive and this will also eventually fuck your mental health.
  16. I reckon I’d have been fucked up in any generation
  17. I would have said the washing machine his liberated women more. As for the price of booze. I was in the pub last week with some friends. I got a G&T for my wife and a pint of non-alcoholic Northern Monk and it was £16 for both. I would rather go for a meal and have a bottle of wine!
  18. life was pretty simple for blokes before the contraceptive pill allowed women to join the workforce - your typical working man would provide for the family, come home to dinner on the table and a clean house, give his pay packet to the wife every week to manage the household and come and go to the pub as he pleased in return. women's liberation has been a great thing but it's led to a crisis of masculinity - a lot of blokes clearly feel pretty desperate and confused about their role in a changing world. it's the era of jordan peterson, andrew tate and incels on the more extreme end.
  19. NJS is right about a lot of people being cunts. Although I think a fair proportion of people naturally conservative leaning are selfish rather than outright racist etc. I mean the two things aren’t mutually exclusive but the reason I think they’re fucked as a party for a while is people have long memories. And it’s those selfish cunts that have been negatively financially impacted that have turned against them now. In the past I didn’t agree with them, but you could see why those comfortably off, middle class people would vote for them. They were looked after in terms of being better off and taxed lower. At least that was the perception. Now that’s not the case, public services are crumbling, everything including your mortgage costs more etc. There’s not really many people they can appeal to. It’s really just my parent’s generation, who retired on daft pensions in their 50s who don’t pay a mortgage as it was paid off decades ago. There’s precious few people left that are insulated from what the Tories have done and there’s not another generation coming that have it that good. Obviously that’s not the extent of their dubious appeal but in general they’ve fucked off their traditional base
  20. Hanging out with mates being a form a mental health therapy, is a hill I'd definitely die on. I'd argue that as the role of modern man has changed, it's severely impacted the mental health of men of our age. Where once men could spend most evenings in the pub with their mates, now we have to take our kids to tennis lessons and shit like that. I've no idea, but I'd also guess that 2-3 pints in the pub a night didn't significantly impact your pocket then, like it can now. I bought a pint of Madri recently, it cost me £7.50. Even the little bar near me charges £4+ for a pint of their own beer.
  21. “He says it like it is” is their go to. It’s just that what it is is incoherent waffle that hits every number on culture war bingo - and the Bible Belt in America is fucking stupid so eat it up. The idea of the cunt getting back in is beyond terrifying to me. He’ll destroy American democracy, and lead the world straight into a global conflict within 6 months, then he’ll snuff it and won’t have to see the mess he creates because he’s too selfish to die before the election.
  22. This is true. But it is a symptom. The more important truth is the Conservatives have utterly fucked the country over. Everything is worse, everything is broken. This is now people's lived experience, every day of their lives. The Conservatives cannot bullshit themselves out of this any more, it won't work. This is the root cause of why they are fucked, doesn't matter what the ideaologies are of their usual voters.
  23. Saying that mind, it took Partygate, the PPE fraud, the Truss mini Budget, double figure inflation, the cost of living crisis, and dozens of other scandals in ONE parliament to do for the Tories. If Labour can look vaguely competent and not seem like they're taking the piss out of the entire country, I think they'll get quite a bit of leeway after the last 14 years. I don't think people are expecting miracle fixes.
  24. I think it depends on what's left of the Tories after this election. If they've still got closer to 200 seats, then 2029 is targetable for them if Labour have a shocker. If it's closer to or even sub-100, they'll likely still be considered unelectable in 2029.
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