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  2. Was doing a charity run this morning, taking some essential meds to a bunch of sick children and some emergency food to some starving puppies. On the M11, the part where it’s two lanes - There was a line/convoy of eleven trucks and the last truck in line pulled out and proceeded to overtake the rest of the convoy at maybe 1-2 mph faster than the crawlers. The cunt took about 20 minutes to get past, by which time there was a huge queue of riled up drivers, I saw several Audi drivers making the wanker sign at the retarded trucker. Needless to say my arrival with the critical supplies was delayed and the sick kids are now thought unlikely to make it through the night and the puppies died !!!!
  3. It's not genius for the rest of us. Now we have to suffer through them fluking the Europa League next season (because you know they fucking will) whereas Southgate would have had them relegated by March.
  4. quite possibly, but i don't think so. but it's hard to separate i guess. it was his antics in the games between city and dortmund then real madrid then made me not like him. took me a few years to warm to kyle walker as i couldn't stand him at spurs.
  5. Yeah with anything Farage says he always means "too many foreigners". NHS is broken because foreigners Culture is broken bloody foreigners Plane crashed because it was probably built by foreigners. An English built plane would have exploded on impact killing him instantly.
  6. I know, He means brown people, or the wrong kind of white people.
  7. i agree. the problem is he's the only natural left back in the squad. part of the problem for foden last night was didn't have an overlapping full back to link up with. trippier is not the answer at left back. lewis hall is a better bet in that position as is tino, neither of whom southgate fancied, and chillwell, the other obvious player in that position is also injured.
  8. Yep every generation hates the shit the generation after them does. It's part of getting older. My dad doesn't understand certain things, but doesn't get how I understand them and that he's a bit of a cunt. Likewise my 12 year old thinks I'm a bit of a cunt on certain things he understands that I don't.
  9. Or is it genius? That selection misstep may have made him less attractive to the Manchester United board? Modern problems need modern solutions.
  10. That’s not what he’s on about though
  11. It's the same dissonance that has them believe each of their young players will go for £30m+, or that they 'belong' in the Premier League. The biggest myth of all, that they've got great support. They have big attendance for their situation, but it's a stretch to same the Stadium of Light home crowd are particularly supportive.
  12. At a certain age, from any generation's position, isn't culture in a continuous state of decline? I can't imagine the older people of the 20s thought much for the new fads, regardless of how they might have roared. The OAPs would have hated the 60s, 70s and so on. I hate modern music and think the tiktok generation is toxic, but what the fuck do I know?
  13. I made a joke the other day to someone defending Farage that he's good at two things, smoking tabs and crashing planes - he'd have made a great terrorist if he could knock the stella on the head. It went down like Farage's plane, but I stand by it - it's a canny little joke IMO.
  14. It’s mental, man. It’s like they just conveniently forget that the owners haven’t spent a penny on recruitment
  15. Taking Luke Shaw when he's been out for 4 months looks like a mental decision tbh.
  16. Because he's responsible for most of them.
  17. Someone is salty Bellingham chose Real Madrid
  18. Yep. The other fella had been trying to physically intimidate him / rough him up and he wasn’t having any of it. Nowt wrong with that.
  19. We’re in decline economically and he’s massively to blame. The absolute fucking shyster. The cultural decline thing is another carefully worded bit of covert racism of course. It’s genuinely a shame he survived that plane crash
  20. it wouldn't matter as the bellend wouldn't pass to them anyway. he just runs with ti until he loses the ball or scores. play the bellend in place of kane then the team can function behind him
  21. How does he know most crimes go unreported?
  22. Tbf Baddiel has a point here. Which leaves only one conclusion; it’s the fuckin coach who can’t find a way to do it If he can’t do it, Foden should be dropped and Gordon or Eze should start…
  23. You check every one of my posts wussy
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