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  1. Past hour
  2. These commentators*, man. Just said it's a matter of time before Belgium score then not a minute later Slovakia score and it's 'fully deserved'. *Tyldsley and Andros Townsend
  3. You think I hadn't thought of that? And you're right, nobody in their right mind would have it on.
  4. Turn the motion sensor notifications off. No one in their right mind wants to be notified every time anything happens outside their house. It still records everything, it just doesn't bell you every time.
  5. They're a ballache and no mistake. There's no way for me to fuck around with the field of vision so that I don't get alerts when next door is getting something delivered, and as my Mrs is on Mat leave she's singlehandedly keeping Amazon's stock price high. Don't think it's pushed me to bringing about the downfall of society yet, but never say never.
  6. RTG Max Allegri Beyn brilliant for Juventus but at the end lewked a bit fed up and lewks like he needs a new challenge. Could he be up to a project of getting the lads back up? No pressure from the fans, pewa love from the fans and a chance to bey happy again? #imagine?
  7. Brian McNally, now getting pissed at the pearly gates.
  8. He looks like someone drew Crush the Turtle from memory.
  9. Today
  10. The more Shearer spoke last night the more it became apparent why he was so interested in the links between heading a football and CTE. The poor cunt is riddled with brain damage.
  11. Chilwell’s shit. Plus him and Gallagher look like their ideal night out is going round pubs in Fulham putting rohypnol is lasses’ drinks
  12. I've not listened to it yet so but disappointed to hear that. I wanted to hear him tell us how amazing 'Trent' was. How intelligent he was at sticking a leg out to stop a ball.
  13. We had friends around at the weekend. A couple in their early 50s. This couple own their own financial business and are rather successful at it. I am not sure which way the vote, but bloke is from Bolton and his old man grew up in Barnsley. But I haven't ever talked politics with them. We got onto pubs and how a few locally had closed over the last few years. I cringed and expected them to say it was the smoking bans fault or some shite like that, but instead what they said surprised me. They said its down to people having less surplus expenditure and also times are changing where younger people prefer to meet for coffee, or go to a mates, gym, or bars rather than pubs and fully understood it.
  14. Could have been remedied by taking Burn over Dunk - but Southgate is gonna Southgate - Now we have an unfit right back shoehorned into the position until the natural, yet unfit left back is ready. Could have even taken Joe Gomez, who can cover the whole back line. Surely Lewis Hall is looking at this England set up and thinking it's his by the end of next season if he puts the graft in.
  15. Shearer's not on the episode YOU BIG JUDGY FANNY!
  16. My dad blames it on *insert literally any racial slur here*.
  17. She's not wrong, it was all in that book 1984, a Doorbellion future awaits
  18. I see The Rest Is Football podcast has the show titled 'Underwhelming England and how to get the best from Phil Foden' Shearer can't have picked that title as he was banging on how great we were most of the match.
  19. When you start in the gutter, there's only one way to go. No I didn't... does this mean I go down again?
  20. He shouldn't be there imo. If he's not fit, you work your way down the list of English left backs and take the best one that's actually fit. Even if Shaw miraculously recovers to play the last group game, he'll either break down again or spend the rest of the tournament off the pace. I could understand taking Beckham years ago when he'd broke his foot, cos he was the captain and the talisman, but Luke Shaw's just a good left back. Find another one that will actually play games.
  21. I knew SP is the only UK PM to be assassinated but I had to google the assailant. You’ve just gone up (yet again) in my estimation Dave Did you know Germany are playing three no. 10s with effortless ease this month?
  22. My Mum somehow managed to link link the decline of society with the rise of video doorbells yesterday. Beat that if you can.
  23. the usual stuff that $#nts do, diving complaining, just being a general cheating, um, so and so.
  24. Assassinated Spencer Perceval
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