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  3. I’ve just learned that there's no Bob Geldof statue in Ethiopia. What more must he do? Unbelievable.
  4. No wonder you are banned from Tesco's.
  5. That’s why I always tweet and post naked.
  6. What’s his twitter handle I’ll find out where he drinks and key his motor.
  7. I think it's bollocks. But if not, replace him with MGW and spend the other £50mil on a Gordon level RW
  8. Really?…. I probably don’t follow the right people but am not seeing it on my feed…
  9. All the ITK wankers saying City have made a formal approach for Bruno
  10. Still got this on as I do other things. Sky are now fact checking the fuck out of him [Sunak] . The tory record is just indefensible, that's their main issue as well as a host of others.
  11. I thought he looked weary right at the start when Rigby was interviewing. He was reenergised by the audience being a cunt to him though. He's never more alive than when he gets to be a snippy little bitch.
  12. Starmer won 64% to 36%. Sky are saying Sunak just looks broken.
  13. How is cutting stamp duty good for young people btw? Doesn't it not start already until the property is worth 250k? That would buy you a street in Grimsby. .
  14. Sunak's looking forward to sending his daughter's to national service. Aye, righto. They'll be on Venice beach you gimp.
  15. Aye, I just caught the end of Starmer, thought he was fine if a bit boring. Sunak is fucked like. Everybody knows he's a liar, nobody is listening to him, audience hates him.
  16. Sure Sunak had black hair at the start of this. It's grey now.
  17. I thought he did alright. Much more comfortable with the audience questions than Rigby who is brilliant. No one is even paying attention to Sunak here. He's boring and everyone has decided he's a liar.
  18. Brutal that. He could have told them he likes Mexican coke and he went with Haribos.
  19. Rigby asks Sunak to tell her something that will make people like him. He answers he likes Haribos. Tit.
  20. The day after the Manchester bombing Adrian Chiles was on doing r5 breakfast. They were interviewing a woman who was at the gig and he pretty much opened with 'So how was Ariane Grande?'
  21. Just watching some of this Sky debate. Canny sure Starmer is trying to fillibuster the fuck out of this so he runs out of time for new questions.
  22. Fucking awful. He also seems to be morphing in appearance to Ed Miliband to me.
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