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Everything posted by StoneColdStephenIreland

  1. I divn't seem to get them nowadays with is being a proper mental bastard but when i do usually Vimto does it for me, cos I'm hardcore like that
  2. Tiote's Nutz, his negativity's bringing this place down tbh
  3. He'll be relying on it to fly Barton and Enrique to other clubs
  4. I've said it before, but i wouldn't mind that Steven Flethcer from Wolves, whenever he starts a game he seems to score
  5. When Llambias comes out with quotes about signing players with high resale value, it pretty much confirms were gonna be a glorified wigan and become a selling club
  6. He seems to be a victim of his reputation aswell, sometimes referee's just seem to want to book him for the littlest reasons
  7. Ashley gambled with our Premiership survival in january the last time we were relegated, he done it again this January and will do it again in the summer. I wish i could be positive for the summer but theres been no sign that we will spend more than £15-£20 Million and no sign that we will spend more than £5 million on any one player
  8. I bet Leazes feels sick to his stomach that him and dekka hold the same opinion on something
  9. Another plus point for us is Gardner's out for them. I can see us getting a point here in a drab affair with no real incident, its seems to have that end of season, nothing to play for feel about it, but i've got a sneaky feeling we might get a 1-0 win out of it
  10. He's a fatty! He'd still be more mobile than Carlton Cole tbh And It annoys me aswell that were aiming for strikers that have been relegated than strikers that would kick us onto another level, thats the state were in were we wont spend the money on players that will help us kick on and improve, and if that doesnt happen then we can say bye to the players we have that are keeping us in the position we are. ie Barton, Enrique, Colo, Jonas etc How anyone can say that this summer is gonna be all fine and dandy is beyond me, the signs are there to see that we are yet again on another downward spiral
  11. I'm hoping Sunderland are more desperate than us for a striker and take a punt on the useless gimp. I can see it now, us and Sunderland having a bidding war for the fecker, and Pardew swaying Cole's mind with the chance to hold the number 9 shirt.... I think they are, and I think they'll sign Michael Owen! Looks like they'll need another bed in their already full treatment room then
  12. I never understood that appointment tbh More chairmen ruining another club
  13. I'm hoping Sunderland are more desperate than us for a striker and take a punt on the useless gimp. I can see it now, us and Sunderland having a bidding war for the fecker, and Pardew swaying Cole's mind with the chance to hold the number 9 shirt....
  14. Were going to have the laziest, most offside striking partnership in the whole of history if we play Shola and Carlton Cole upfront I'd rather have Carlton from the Fresh Prince than Carlton Cole tbh
  15. ...or will he give it to Best/Shola? If so, Jesus will be weeping, along with many other Toon fans
  16. Aye looks an absolute quality target man, shame it's just a pipe dream. Speaking of Number 9's who the hell are we going to get in to take the number 9 shirt, surely we cant get another Martins in wearing that.........Surely not
  17. Pancrate has to go down as an awful player aswell, he was fucking woeful on the field, showed nowt apart from that goal against Watford
  18. Not going to happen sorry, although i would love him here, Tottenham were getting quoted 30 million Euro's for him in January
  19. I've never had kidney stones but I've had gall stones and they were fucking horrible, got them when i was fifteen and for 2 years the doctor passed it off as stomach pains. I've never felt pain like it and it be immovable for a good few hours because of the pain, I usually had to hoy me fingers doon me neck and hoy up, and then had an operation 2 year ago to get me gall bladder out. But having one in the wang. jesus fucking christ on a bike, it doesn't bear thinking about.
  20. we have the European Cup in our sights, its a "5 year plan". Always go back to type with you doesnt it? I see no problem at all with going for good prospects with high re-sale value. what's wrong with what I said ? Why are you looking at players with a "re-sale value" anyway ? Do you expect to sell them, if so, why ? Because thats what we are right now. If we bought 5 and sold 4 at a profit and kept one who was quality then im happy with that. For now... EDIT: I just dont like you fella. Lets put this into perspective what you're saying is, say we sold Tiote, Enrique, Barton, Ben Arfa all for profit and kept Nolan you'd be happy?
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