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Everything posted by Meenzer

  1. has some bloody hungry inner demons
  2. The commentator on MOTD last night - I don't bother noticing their names any more - was typically hilarious/awful. For Arsenal's second goal (I think), he obviously assumed a Kleenex moment was imminent, as his voice reached Orgasmic Wonder-Goal Frequency almost as soon as Henry got hold of the ball - only for him to piss about for ages before actually putting it into the back of the net. Poor bloke had to go higher and higher, more and more strained... he must have been surrounded by every dog in the neighbourhood by the time he was finished. BBC objectivity, eh?
  3. Meenzer


    It's been replaced by the seriously grey raincloud smiley.
  4. global thermonucular war JOSHAU, lol
  5. Part of the overall pisstake that is the avatar/badge combo, shirley?
  6. Just launching into my umpteenth Christopher Brookmyre now.
  7. Good grief. You go away for the weekend and this happens...
  8. Unrelated, but I'm still endlessly amused by:
  9. Therapy? - Troublegum Perfect for a sunny spring day.
  10. Is it a black fly in your chardonnay? 132190[/snapback] It's a Semillon two minutes too late.
  11. Mr. Beard would be so proud.
  12. have you honestly heard yourself is this the sort of shit you class as dirty talk with your missus. 'J69 wouldnt 'toe the line' in MYYYY database. i had enough of him so i just got rid of him like that! I have that power and il excercise it if i need to baby!' 132087[/snapback] I'm just sick to fucking death of the amount of times your bullshit throws threads off at a tangent and how you think you're so fucking superior to everyone. Don't think anyone would miss you (despite what Sammy says) so yeah, I'm very close to banning you. Happy now? 132130[/snapback] Best rant of 2006 so far, fully justified too. Flex your muscles and ban the penis. 132164[/snapback] *bzzzz* repetition of "fucking"
  13. This isn't downtown Berlin circa 1945, it's Toontastic 132078[/snapback] "On Toontastic, the average IQ of the combat soldier was 110. In Stevie's threads it was 19. N-n-n-n-n...." Oh never mind.
  14. Time for a Blue Peter campaign I reckon. Collect milk bottle tops to buy Stevie a new apostrophe key, maybe.
  15. Did you ask what her normal rates are?
  16. Can you take Sophie with you?
  17. Dammit, this is karma! Let me enjoy my moment in the sun!
  18. Just fishing! :icon_lol: If Stevie replies he smells of wee. IDST.
  19. "He" would have to remember he posted to this place among dozens of other boards first: Clicky Howay man, get with it.
  20. Downloaded it on the back of that recommendation alone. 'sniiiiiice.
  21. Where were you when I was selling the promo CD of that on eBay? Some fucker got it from me for a pittance. Bah.
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