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Everything posted by maggiespaws

  1. In fairness, I dont think anyone is making any decisions based on peoples responses on here. We've already made the decision to get the jab although I must admit I've personally started to hesitate. I've not even voiced this to the wor lass yet. Personally, I started this thread just to share thoughts and see what other people were thinking. It seems I'm not alone in my hesitancy. I might be over-racting tbh (probably) but this is the first time we've had ot make this kind of decision. Matt has had all the other recommended jabs to date IIRC and we've hesitated about this one because of the mixed feeling about it. My sister in law is a nurse and she was given the jab. It made her sick although to be fair I think that was the live vaccine rather than the one Matt's being offered. I forgot to mention earlier that when Swine Flu was doing the rounds last year, Matt got ill. The Doctors prescribed Tamiflu as a precaution as he had more than just a cold type bug (v high temp, floppy etc). It comes in capsule form which we had to open and mix with various things to get him to take it. It's bitter as fuck and it was a nightmare getting him to take it.
  2. I think Tomaz should have walked too. He should have been given a 2nd yellow. IIRC for the 1st 20mins he basically just fouled anyone who came near him (usually Jonas). In fairness though, Jonas could have very easliy walked for his dive in the box later in the game. That Tomaz was really effective for WBA as the game went on though. In the end we were lucky to get a point but is was really 2 points dropped imo. The 2 pen shouts were stone wallers, especially the one on Lovenkrands early in the game. The bloke almost dragged him down in a headlock. Defensively we were all at sea last night and it invited WBA to attack. I felt that Nolan and Smith should have got a better grip on the game although out of the two, Smith didnt do much wrong. Nolan was missing for most of the game which was frustrating. We desperately need some creativity in midfield, particularly on the right. Our wing play is woeful. WBA are well organised and Forest have 2 wingers who have pace and can cross. As a result, their strikers are scoring. We have none of this.
  3. It's a tricky one, but I personally wouldn't do it. I can't remember, but is it a live vaccine or a dead one?? It's not a live vaccine. I've rang and postponed it until I've read and thought a bit more. I thought I had it straight in my head but that fact I keep thinking about makes me wonder if I should do the same. Will talk about with the Mrs tonight I think. THe question I keep asking myself is "is the risk of him getting it and being one of the few who become seriously ill with it greather than the risk of the jab being another Thalidamide?" Talking myself round in circles.
  4. Tell you what Leazes, you might have about 20 odd years on me but that, fire & water and Mr Big rate as some of my all time favourite tracks; Wishing Well, topping the 3. Without question though; Paul Rodgers is the best vocalist this country has every produced. I've seen him twice now and I'll see him again in April when he tours with Bad Company; ahem Birthday present for my Dad
  5. Again, I totally agree. One of Lisa's friends who's little girl is 10 days older than Matt prides herself (to the point of smugness) on the fact she's managed to keep her little girl mostly bug free, largely because she opted not to send her to nursery. All I can say is, wait until she starts school! Thing is though, Swine Flu is not just your typical, run of the mill bug and as such I'd say it needs to be considered differently.
  6. See, I guess that's partly why I started this thread; because I can see and appreciate that argument too. I think in this case, it's a tough call. Swine Flu did the rounds here in Manchester and there were cases at both Lisa's school and Matt's nursery. I guess that because of that and the fact that Paws Jr Mk2 is on the way we're trying to consider "it" too.
  7. Yeah, we are too. With a 2nd one on the way and Matt at nursery it raises the chances quite significantly. Obviously Matt 'could' still bring it home, but if it starts doing the rounds at his nursery then he's less likely to be a carrier if he's immunised. I happy we made the right choice with Lisa as the current Thalidamide story vindicates. The jab they are proposing to give Matt is not the one that carries a small dose of the bug IIRC; hence it being safer.
  8. We've had a letter through about getting Master Paws (Matt - 2yrs) vaccinated against swine flu. I'm curious to know what people's thoughts are on it as many of us either have kids around this age and/or work in the medical profession. As Lisa is expecting, we also got an invite a couple of months ago to get her vaccinated too. We declined for a number of reasons; not least because of the conflicting evidence surrounding it's safety to unborn children. Now, with Matt it's defferent because he's a bit older and given that he's at nursery I would agree he's at a greater risk of infection. Lisa's done some reading around and it looks safer for kids of his age; but I thought I'd see what you guys were doing/thinking too.
  9. I fancied calling my next band 'Norfolk 'n Goode' Initially it looks like some cabaret duo until you explore the hidden side
  10. Boxed In is a great game if you like puzzle games. The full version was free when I got it. The sequel is out now too and IIRC its only a couple of quid. I got Trivial Pursuit for free as part of the 12 days of Xmas iyunes thing ad that's canny too. Very similar to the xbox 360 version - even share the same questions as I found out on Sat The amazon & ebay apps are useful too.
  11. lovenkrands is now joint 2nd top scorer
  12. Just joining this now. RE a link outside the UK, no idea. Ustream is not your friend tonight I'm afraid. Apart from us being 2:0 up; how have we done?
  13. Time for a caption competition me thinks. Four attempts! It took him four attempts to get this nappy on. I said "Dad man, you better sort your game out or you're dropped."
  14. Great news. You'll be counting down the days soon
  15. How does that equate with Leeds transfer listing him last summer but him going on to be (currently) the 3rd highest scorer across all the leagues for them? Cynically? 'Cos he's playing for a move, not because his attutude has improved. If today's report is to be belived, he's deparate to come to us and I believe that's because he sees us as a surefire route to the Prem. Whilst there's nothing wrong in that, he needs us more than we need him IMO. I think we should stay clear.
  16. When at a client site I work on, I share a pod with a Leeds fan with reqularly watches them both home & away. He's saying the same as many others on here - he's quick but thats about it. He needs too many chances to score and that's the biggest thing that concerms me. We dont create an abundance of chances as it is. His attitude is apparently poor too, especially when things aren't going his way. His head drops too quickly by all accounts and is described as 'petulant'. He also agrees that he's not good enough to cut it in the prem. For my money, I wouldn't buy any strikers, unless we aren't able to keep the 'Loon on loan until the end of the season. Midfield is (as it has been for so long) our biggest worry and that is where we need to strengthen. Buy a prem quality creative mid and we'll AccaDacca this league.
  17. Thats the first I've heard about it. What time was that?
  18. Sorry. Occasionally, the odd spam account might sneak though the net. I've deleted the account, so you should not receive any further comms from this member. Thanks for letting us know. For anyone else reading this; in future if any member receives spam PM's etc please contact a Forum Admin via PM as it's more likely to get a quicker response. Forum Admins are those of us with the red 'Shareholder' title beneath our avatars. Cheers, Steve
  19. Tell you what, this cord problem must be dead common. We had the same problem with Matt. Only difference was that the midwife opted for forceps. Bruised the poor little buggers face. Still, all's well that ends well and all that. BTW, did you get my text earlier or am I texting the wrong number again. Dont worry if I've got the number right and you've just not replied - it's not like you haven't been pre-occupied or nothing Just want to know if I'm texting random people with congrats Oh and I'm probably going to be up in Feb. If you're able to we'll belatedly do head wetting, I've still not caught up with Cath either (I know, I'm bad).
  20. Congratulations mate. He's here and all is well - thats the main thing All the best to you all
  21. Dont worry, I've got some Piesporter in for you. I know how you like it MF promised he'd bring the Black Tower too.
  22. No, Paws is the guilty party I think. Obviously picked it up subconciously whilst drooling over Nigella's festive rack( for she is responsible for the semolina spuds). I swear by goose fat for top notch roasties. Guilty as charged for all of the above m'lud (especially the drooling bit ) Goose fat is essential for roasties. breast or thigh man? If given the choice, I'd have to sample them both. It'd be rude not too man :icon_lol:
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