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Everything posted by Sonatine

  1. Delia will be hitting the cooking sherry tonight, although to be fair, she probably does most nights
  2. Can add "My Own Worst Enemy" to that as well, should be Fat Mikes theme tune
  3. If it's true, just goes to show that Barton is beyond help imo, bona fide crackpot
  4. Excellent, not sure what that dog has on it's ears though
  5. You have passed the practice citizenship test. Questions answered correctly: 18 out of 24 (75%) Time taken: 03 minutes 10 seconds Fair few were guesses tbh
  6. Looks like something Crockett and Tubbs wore in Miami Vice
  7. REM - Beat a Drum Nice summery song
  8. Arrived? They never left....
  9. Mods can you do something about this langauge. Swearing is swearing but as i'm someone who believes in god, reading that is horrible. Thanks in advance. feel free to leave in protest I am going to leave as you boys don't deserve anymore attention. Aside from the blasphemy you are, for the most part, tin pot napoleons that swear and cuss and blame everything and everyone you can and it has become boring reading the same drivel day in day out. Good luck, have fun oh and you think Kinnear coming would be the worst thing in the world but the thing is, HE TURNED YOU DOWN!! Spurs 4 eva!!
  10. That haggard old cunt wants shooting if he comes back here
  11. I seriously can't believe there's no interested parties. Whether there are any willing to pay anything like what Ashley is after is another matter. I was talking about this yesterday and I've come to the conclusion he doesn't even want to sell, it's a smokescreen to spend sweet fuck all this window and he's learnt nothing from last season and believes he can get the club promoted on the cheap (in terms of players and management). Ashley has re-written the dimbo textbook. I'm wondering if the bloke can count. Deffinately not as well as this guy Mike Ashley as Count von Cunt, got a nice ring to it.
  12. Always thought this was the best Spitting Image song
  13. Shittest Tatoo candidate? WTF is it? Are these the winners of the most haggard people in the house competition? Plebs one and all.
  14. Wonder if this supposed deal will khomeini closer by the end of the week.
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