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Everything posted by Sonatine

  1. Deserve's Got Nothing To Do With It
  2. Stuart Maconie writes a nice column in the Mirror, and he once said on of the things he likes most about America is the people who say "have a nice day", even if they don't mean it, because as soon as he lands back in Britain he'll get told to fuck off by someone who does
  3. http://www.lflus.com/index1.html My moneys on the Denver Dream, but i'll be keeping a close eye on the Tampa Breeze too http://www.lflus.com/denverdream/index.html http://www.lflus.com/tampabreeze/index.html
  4. What a bargain buy he's been, either injured, suspended or in jail
  5. Best to be vigilant though, so I've got a sty on each eye. Nothing a tube of oinkment wont cure.
  6. Let's hope Kirk cops off with some green skinned dancing girl
  7. Liverpool football fans have barracked the Minister for Culture, Media and Sport at the Hillsborough memorial service at Anfield. More than 25,000 attended the service at the stadium in Liverpool to mark the 20th anniversary of the disaster which left 96 football fans crushed to death. Andy Burnham MP was not listed on the order of service, but he was introduced to the crowd by Trevor Hicks, who lost two daughters at the stadium in Sheffield. When Mr Burnham said the 96 dead will never be forgotten, some fans heckled and the crowd broke into a chant of "Justice for the 96". The feelings among Liverpool fans are still raw and they are upset that nobody has ever been made legally responsible for the disaster. Mr Burnham waited for the singing to fade before continuing his prepared speech, but he had to contend with several more hecklers before returning to his seat.
  8. Mojave 3 - Excuses for Travellers A nice slice of stoner alt-country
  9. Legit apparently http://www.guardian.co.uk/travel/2008/may/...otels.newcastle
  10. Still, I will miss her appearances as the drummer on Shooting Stars.
  11. Parky hits out at 'ignorant and puerile' Jade Tue Apr 07 10:54AM by TV Editor Michael Parkinson Sir Michael Parkinson has launched a tirade against Jade Goody. The veteran broadcaster told the latest issue of Radio Times that the late reality TV star represented "all that is paltry and wretched about Britain." He said: "Jade Goody has her own place in the history of television and, while it's significant, it's nothing to be proud of. Her death is as sad as the death of any young person, but it's not the passing of a martyr or a saint or, God help us, Princess Di. "When we clear the media smoke screen from around her death, what we're left with is a woman who came to represent all that's paltry and wretched about Britain today. "She was brought up on a sink estate, as a child came to know drugs and crime, was barely educated, ignorant and puerile. Then she was projected to celebrity by Big Brother and became a media chattel to be exploited til the day she died." His comments come just days after Jade Goody was laid to rest following a funeral that drew comparisons with that of Princess Diana. Thousands of mourners lined the streets and threw flowers as the hearse made its way to the service in Buckhurst on Saturday. Think his chat show might have been a bit better if he'd spoke to some of his guests like this
  12. We're so fucked. By the way, where was this printed? Think it was in the Sun
  13. And quite possibly has done for a long time.
  14. Sonatine

    The ship

    I agree 150 %. I thought West Ham were one of many teams who could go down, but they've managed to climb up to 7th, despite a lot of injuries and player sales. Their secret? A decent manager. Getting Steve Clarke from Chelsea was a smart move too
  15. Pretty sure he had, and maybe still has, an office of some kind at SJP because a lass i know who also worked there used to lots of odd jobs for him. She'd never say a bad word about him, but i guess he knows what side his breads buttered on if he's on the payroll.
  16. euphemism for Google tbh. Euphemism for selecting at random more like it
  17. 8, couple of educated guesses though
  18. Then leave them in waterproof bags, carefully semi-hidden in local parks for school kids to find. Those were the days!
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