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Everything posted by Rayvin

  1. This is what gets me too. It's almost as if he thinks football clubs evolve organically out of the virtues of the city they're based in, and that we've broken form by getting taken over by a commercially minded entity. Prior to this the premier league was made up of clubs building up from the grassroots only, and players were volunteers! Fucking muppet. No we wouldn't be winning as many games without Saudi ownership, it's true. But without an American billionaire bailing them out, Sunderland wouldn't even fucking exist. So nelford_safc, we'll give up the Saudis if you lot collectively bin yourselves eh? EDIT - actually I take that back, their obsession is that fucking deep I suspect they'd probably take that offer and run with it. Better not to exist in a world where Newcastle don't win things, than to exist in one where we do.
  2. I think what he's attempting to do is to reassure his own players that even though they are loathed by their fanbase, it's possible to turn that around - and then suggested that we were rounding on our own players (the ones who were pre-takeover) but that the situation has totally flipped now because the team earned it. It's a fair enough point I guess but I'm not really sure what the Everton fans are serving up so it's hard to compare.
  3. You have my total respect for this post and what you've expressed here. I'm sorry for what you went through - and indeed what you're still going through, but you're taking all the right steps here I think. Forgiveness is an understandable and laudable goal for precisely the reason you've set out - I think you're approaching this correctly and I wish you the very best in tackling it. You'll make it through this mate.
  4. Our thread for this game was 22 pages. Their thread is 28. It's the usual stuff by and large, screams of 'we're lucky', Desperate cries of FTM, someone who doesn't like Murphy's face, etc. And a lot of this: It's a lot of stuff like this. The desperation to self delude on evidence here man. The idea that he thinks we don't know he is absolutely fucking dying inside. It is D fucking lectable.
  5. Apparently because it came off someone's elbow, he won't get an assist for that. Ludicrous. Amazing stuff from the lads. We are in the champions league man, it's fucking done. We are fucking back.
  6. Please, please let them come up Just to watch the fear when they realise that reality will at some point that season crash through their fucking doors. Most likely twice. That said, I don't see it. They're maybe not too far off but even so.
  7. This was a great day like. I really enjoyed this one. I remember a few years back, think when Rafa had just taken over, a Spurs fan came on here and started ripping into us ahead of the game. We won 5-1 or something despite having just been relegated the day before. Strangely he didn't come back post-match. I imagine he's on suicide watch at the moment
  8. It's bringing benefit fraud to the top of the list of targets, and very intentionally doing so. There are plenty of other targets they could have gone after, I am quite sure. As I said though, it's beyond me to care at this point. It is what it is.
  9. Said without energy or passion but just because some part of me still feels compelled to state it - the leave campaign are traitors to the country, those that voted for it enfeebled our nation. A curse born of people who have no fucking clue how the world works or what their place in it is.
  10. Labour now apparently targeting benefit fraud in their continued attempts to out-Tory the Tories. https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2023/apr/20/labour-warpath-targeting-benefit-claimants-disabled-starmer I mean what are we expecting here in the end, really? That Labour get into power and then flip into being some much improved version of what they're currently coming across as? I think they're going to come in and be exactly what is being suggested here - Tory lite. Is this how Blairism was packaged? Is this the third way? It looks small, cynical and devoid of vision. It fills me with even more hopelessness than the Tories do tbh - if this is the best that the party we all want to be in power can come up with, then what is honestly the point anymore? Brexit destroyed this country, it destroyed the left, and Labour has, in my view, totally failed us. I don't even hate Starmer or what the party has become, I just don't care anymore. It's a dull ache, it's normalised. This disappointment about the weakness of our leaders is just a shrug of the shoulders. "Nothing we can do, suck it up and get on with it". Completely defeated. Maybe it's just me.
  11. I feel like this gif perfectly sums up the forum's experience with Dave tbf
  12. I was concerned about this but it is undeniable that Villas good run largely involves no decent teams. And they have a hell of a run in. Suspect they're higher than they should be based on that.. and would I say we can beat a midtable team away from home? I mean we've done it several times now...
  13. As soon as I posted it I wanted to go back to bed and hide under the covers, waiting for for the inevitable news that the one of Bruno's legs fell off, or the training ground was hit by an asteroid.
  14. Right, fuck it, going all in on top 4 now in terms of hope and expectation. Another win today and we're as good as nailed on IMO. I fully believe we're capable.
  15. https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2023/apr/07/keir-starmer-high-horse-politics-labour-rishi-sunak Marina destroying that ad now.
  16. I think it's more the world we accept tbh. Really don't think Labour needed to go for this particular line.
  17. That is very literally the race to the bottom though. Where does that end? The Tories were/are dying on their arse anyway, did we need to stoop to this?
  18. This has been my view since they made the EU position clear. Still not sure what I'm going to do when it comes to it. I think I'm hoping that I read the manifesto and decide that there's enough inspiring detail in there that it's worth holding my nose.
  19. That looks like it should have been made by the Tories.
  20. Totally agree with CT here, rarity though it may be Maxi has been class.
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