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Everything posted by strawb

  1. Hope Wednesday win, but I have a soft spot
  2. Aye I thought Mitoma might cause trippier some problems but he just pocketed one of the most dangerous players in the league, no bother
  3. Who do you think is the hardest member of our team? I’m going big Joe or schar, maybe botman. Is that a RTG question?
  4. Just casually playing Matt targett in midfield 4-1 up against Brighton. No bother
  5. Isak or Wilson need to come off. Both quiet, bring asm on to have a go at the young right back
  6. I’m so glad we scored off that free kick when they were acting the cunt
  7. Cheers lads, just feels like it’s some other cunts turn tbh
  8. Well my families recent trouble show no end. Some of you will remember I have a severely disabled brother after he had a brain haemorrhage 11 years ago aged 30. I then had cancer twice, lost my grandad, my dad got cancer and died. My nana is currently end of life care for heart failure and today my mam has been diagnosed with cancer. Could say my head is in the shed and has been for a while.
  9. We are on the outskirts of playa del ingles. Fondle ahoy
  10. Mowbray is a good looking boro lad tbh
  11. Bellingham has signed for Real Madrid hasn’t he or was that all bollocks? Rice is a Chelsea fan I think and definitely best friends with Mason Mount. They will spend again if they can get rid of some players and wages could see him going there.
  12. Serves you right for playing rugby tbh, game for arseholes
  13. I’m glad we are bad for it tbh. For years we have been too easy to play against, going back as long as I can remember. One of my favourite things about this team is we are full of fuck and give it to everyone
  14. Eating too many pies is why I’ve taken up walking tbf
  15. Enjoyed an 8 miler around Derbyshire the other weekend. About a mile up and down in total, anything longer than that I’m liable to get bored tbh
  16. Planning a few walks around Northumberland for the summer. I know there are some other old boring fucks who like a walk around there so any suggestions? Also if anyone wants their chin testing while I’m there just let me know
  17. Have you edited that with MS Paint?
  18. If there is any ring stretching going on I will be the stretcher not the stretchee, as it were
  19. Think we win this comfortably, after the villa set back we reacted really well and we will after the arsenal game
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