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Everything posted by Renton

  1. Madness tbqf. One minute you sound like a sensible poster NO, next you say something like this. I'll tell you what, why bother with a manager? Let's just leave the selection to a random generater, and cross our fingers.
  2. |Thats a lazy way of looking at it. Takes no account of what we looked like in August: Woodgate gone and no defence for months. Speed gone Solano gone Robert playing like a twat Bellamy acting like a tit Dyer being a tit Bowyer being useless, slow and mediocre at best Shearer being slower and slower and no service the manager buying the wrong players - SBR Yeah we looked a real quality outfit on and off the field. 48437[/snapback] Your second post Bez, and it's pathetic. I could go into details, but why bother? Oh yeah, Boumsong, Babyaro, Faye, Moore........
  3. Well if, in the unlikely event, you are caught, just say your family meal traditioally consists of shit stale pies and burgers bought at SJP.
  4. Will need young Danny to confirm but I'm sure that's illegal. I'm pretty sure the ball must be played forward at a penalty which is why the Cruyff one was allowed to stand... 48427[/snapback] Why would kicking it backwards be illegal? Anyway, the whole thing is madness. Select a corner, kick it hard and accurate, and you've scored. Simple.
  5. You'll see a 403 forbidden, unless it's in your cache. Here: http://www.aveleyman.com/ActorsB/P00032413.HTML 48370[/snapback] Yep, it's the one I was thinking of, although I suspect that photo is at least 15 years old. Tbh Snakehips, you need proffesional help.
  6. The first case scenario, although I can think of better ones!
  7. You don't know, do you? Your like an old biddy spreading rumours tbh.
  8. Yes. I hear Brian Clough was a shit manager btw.
  9. Renton

    I'm old...

    I thought that was you?
  10. Bizarre. He's doing a fantastic job, you would think they could turn a blind eye. 48266[/snapback] ahahahahahahaaaa, what? 48269[/snapback] Eh? Would have thought it was pretty obvious. Would anyone mind Dyer goingout on the lash if he was doing the job on the field? I don't think so. When Hearts went off the rails, that would have been the time to act. As it is they have thrown away there best chance of winning the SPL for nearly 50 years.
  11. Bizarre. He's doing a fantastic job, you would think they could turn a blind eye.
  12. ???? Don't know what you mean but I am certain he would be an improvement over Souness. Not my first chioce adnittedly.
  13. Renton


    Sounds like this could've been my old mate (see earlier post), he jumped off the tyne bridge at rush hour one Friday a few weeks back and landed outside the Akenside. 48083[/snapback] Haven't seen your earlier post, but that fits everything exactly. Poor sod, glad he didn't land on anyone though.
  14. Renton


    I think J69 is saying he is basically an unsympathetic type of person, which is fine, but I question whether he is in the right job. I honestly think it needs a special type of person to be good at A&E - people who give the time of day to patients with both physical and mental needs. I may be completely wrong, its only the internet after all, but this is my take on it. Your last comment was pretty naive I think. 48006[/snapback] Il think you will find my views are shared by the majority of casualty nurses around the country. last week i accompianied a doctor to tell a 17 year old lad he would never walk again after a car crash, the look on his face is one il never forget. the month before i had to put a 10year old girl missing a leg in a body bag after another car crash. I also recently had to tell a mother that we couldnt revive her cot death baby. I was also there last year when a woman lost her second child in a couple of years after he drowned at the leisure centre. These are people with problems, people who need my help and sympathy. Do you still question whether im in the right job? id like to see you give it a go. im not an unsympathetic type of person, it just fucks me off when people seek sympathy by getting pissed up and then taking a handful of pills cos they lost their job or got dumped etc etc. do something about it, dont rely on others to do it for you. 48043[/snapback] I have done that kind of work before and decided it wasn't for me - I just didn't like patients enough (one of many reasons), so I went into research. I don't know you, you don't know me, so I guess this is pointless. I suspect my main gripe I have with what you're saying is the fact you are generalising to the bit in bold above. Many people feel truly in despair and make genuine cries for help. If you don't help them, they may be successful next time. I can understand how they feel. Also, I'm sure I read somewhere that anybody who seriously contemplates suicide, and if you reach this stage you probably are thinking about it at least, is almost certainly clinically depressed.
  15. Lost purely and simply because Souness panicked and made some crazy substitutions though.
  16. Highly unlikely, and yes it would be unlucky. Tough shit, he's already had his chance as far as I am concerned. If he is an unlucky manager, then let's get a lucky one in....
  17. Renton


    I think J69 is saying he is basically an unsympathetic type of person, which is fine, but I question whether he is in the right job. I honestly think it needs a special type of person to be good at A&E - people who give the time of day to patients with both physical and mental needs. I may be completely wrong, its only the internet after all, but this is my take on it. Your last comment was pretty naive I think.
  18. Renton


    Changing the subject slightly, my colleague was walking on the quayside by the bottom of Dean street a few weeks back when someone jumped from the Tyne bridge, and was strawberry jammed in front of her eyes. Luckily she is a doctor and can deal with this type of thing. It's a curious fact that men tend to choose more violent, and therefore more successful, means of suicide than women. No doubt some people could use this for some misogynistic argument about women just wanting attention mind.....
  19. Renton


    It doesn't mean they don't need help. In fact it means they do. And btw, plenty of people with severe mental health problems attempt suicide. Just because they don't succeed doesn't mean they are not suicidal, and if it did, so what? Just ignore them until they do succeed?
  20. Renton


    I've worked in A&E before, I still had time to be compassionate for the suicidally depressed. It was the pissed up/drugged up nutters I hated, and I'm sure 99% of A&E staff would agree with me here. Btw you're not a doctor, are you? This seemed implied by your post, that's all.
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