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Everything posted by Renton

  1. Renton


    I've worked in A&E before, I still had time to be compassionate for the suicidally depressed. It was the pissed up/drugged up nutters I hated, and I'm sure 99% of A&E staff would agree with me here. Btw you're not a doctor, are you? This seemed implied by your post, that's all.
  2. If that's true I really can't see us winning. 47961[/snapback] So, would you settle for a draw? 47962[/snapback] Depends on Souness's fate, but I don't want to open that particular can of worm again!
  3. If that's true I really can't see us winning.
  4. No. A draw would be a victory for them.
  5. Huh? 4794 8[/snapback] Stadium of Light, in reference to your last comment. Nevermind, nearly the weekend!
  6. I think you thought I was saying something which I wasn't. Or something. To be honest, if we don't finish in the top four, Souness should be banned from every football ground for the rest of his life. 47941[/snapback] Agreed. Apart from the SOL.
  7. Rather have Ameobi personally.
  8. How!? You can't compare the target for McCarthy with the target for Souness. A chairman (fairly) expects results from his investment. McCarthy has one target based on one figure, Souness has another based on his. I'd understand your argument if you were using Curbishley as an example, but McCarthy's no Brian Clough is he? Souness is just doing plain badly that's all. 47934[/snapback] When did targets come into it? You said "Souness is doing absolutely cack, but to compare him to McCarthy isn't very relevant IMO". Why not compare them? If Souness does worse with ten times the money, then it makes it an even stronger case that he is a shit manager, which it would appear you agree with. We're only arguing because we're bored anyway I suggest. At the end of the day, Souness must win on Sunday. Full stop.
  9. i don't understand the "guilt" bit ? 47741[/snapback] Because he's more than likely lusting at the same time, which is a sin. 47925[/snapback] How is it possible not to lust though. Should we poke our eyes out?
  10. Are you deliberately trying to look stupid? If Sunderland finish above us then McCarthy will have done incredibly well. Less resources for a better result = great management. I've said that Souness is doing badly, with the resources he's had it's embarrassing. I'd STILL like to see his first team play (as I'm sure he would ) I'm not excusing him, he's doing shite. 47923[/snapback] Well you sound like you're contradicting yourself to me, but then that's nothing new.
  11. Well on the way to being an alky. It'll be thunderbird, white lightning and buckfast all too soon. 47770[/snapback] I didn't know you could still get MD 20/20. 47922[/snapback] That's why I was surprised. Not that I'd be interested now, but I wonder where he gets it from? Have you noticed that Lambrini is now almost the universal drink of charvers and piss heads in Newcastle?
  12. The point is: Newcastle: £40m : High expectations : More pressure Sunderland: £5.99 : Low expectations : Less pressure It's got nothing to with my opinion of either manager's talent (or lack of), more that all the elements cancel themselves out. Curbishley has less money, less pressure, less expectation. Mourinho has more money, more pressure, more expectation. Souness is doing absolutely cack, but to compare him to McCarthy isn't very relevant IMO. That's all. 47912[/snapback] So, hypothetically, if Sunderland finished above us in the league, that wouldn't be relevant then? That wouldn't say something about each of the managers' abilities? FFS, more excuses, that's all I hear. This latest one being the expectation/pressure is too much. Tell you what then. Lets sell all our players and let him build a team with less than £10 M, and not put any pressure on him, except to tell him to keep us in the CL. Then we'll get better, yes? Or do you think Souness would start whinging "But I've got no money...."?
  13. Renton

    I'm old...

    That is good news! 47892[/snapback] she means natural red hair mate, not camp red highlights 47909[/snapback] She?
  14. Anal tbh. Strange for a creative type, it's the type of thing I'd expect from Gemmill.
  15. To be fair though, the expectation at Sunderland is WAY less than at Newcastle. 47795[/snapback] Very good point from Super7 I thought. And tbf AF, from what I've heard, Sunderland expect to beat us (or at least draw), while we are fearing the worst. 47834[/snapback] The 2 clubs have different expectations. I'm not supporting Souness necessarily, but Sunderland fans aren't expecting Champions League football any time soon. I agree Souness has had VAST resources and should be doing far better, but to compare the 2 situations is misleading IMO. 47885[/snapback] Neither am I. I don't see your point. Souness is making excuses in advance, MicMac isn't. What's that got to do with expectations? The fact is, we should win this easily. I doubt we will with Souness though.
  16. Renton

    I'm old...

    Red hair doesn't go grey easily and a paunch is a paunch at any age I guess.
  17. I thought we'd established a while back that people are hostile towards you because you're a knacker. 47851[/snapback] Winking after an insult is hilarious. Well done! 47856[/snapback] Jesus wept.
  18. I thought we'd established a while back that people are hostile towards you because you're a knacker. 47851[/snapback] Knackerist.
  19. Renton

    I'm old...

    Why, will he get arrested when he's older?
  20. This thread isn't funny any more. Sounds like a Smiths song.
  21. Renton

    I'm old...

    Twenties is definitely the best decade. Downhill from then onwards.
  22. You're practically glowing green tbh. Anyway I heard about this survey on Radio 5 this morning (before nicking the link from N-O) and it wasn't conducted in the most scientific way. I would agree with the results however 47828[/snapback] I saw a similar thing on TV recently (forget exactly what) and it showed exactly the same thing, basically that Northerners are sound and cockneys are cunts!
  23. To be fair though, the expectation at Sunderland is WAY less than at Newcastle. 47795[/snapback] Very good point from Super7 I thought. And tbf AF, from what I've heard, Sunderland expect to beat us (or at least draw), while we are fearing the worst.
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