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Everything posted by Alex

  1. Reminds me of the battered brain / spinal cord burgers I used to get from the chippy in my youth. BSE-tastic Edit: Meenzer's post that is
  2. I think the comparison is apt but not necessarily in the way you mean because Austin left due to Southampton being his dream move (because he still lived in Poole). I.e. whether Mitrovic goes or stays will be all about who comes in for him (or not). I suspect a few other clubs will have seen his potential and will also note that he's had a year to acclimatise to playing in England.
  3. Do you find out if Princess Anne was any good in the sack?
  4. In his NUFC career, Shola scored 53 league goals. Of those, 10 came in the Championship. From 11 starts plus 7 sub appearances. If you don't think Mitrovic has more ability than Shola then you need to stay off the bong
  5. Bet CT saws loads of Marveaux during his time in France like. Given he's admitted on several occasions he doesn't watch any games that don't involve NUFC. EXACTLY what I'm getting at, the thick fuck
  6. There goes the Easter bunny. Funnily enough me Dad's mate was on about just getting back from a golfing trip to southern Spain. He was saying he had his usual every night at the restaurant. Rabbit and chips
  7. Even that's a shit attempt at a wind-up.
  8. He absolutely loves it when it's like this, man. Thrives off winding people up because it's easier to get a chomp when the club is doing particularly shit. He was in his element post-Keegan's departure with his campaign to have Dennis Wise installed as manager.
  9. Not really been aware of the trend but I bet they're much better than McDonald's if the staff have sleeve tattoos, beards and stretched ear lobes.
  10. CT just being contrary for the sake of it as usual. Attention-seeking dimwit tbh
  11. When we went down it wasn't though, it only showed in the Championship at a lower level. You could argue there were more 'characters' in that side that went down but, by the same token, they were utterly gutless when we went down. Nolan of the famed 'player committee' being an absolute fucking disgrace in his first half a season here who hid at every opportunity during games.
  12. And look at the side we had. You're making his point for him
  13. Glad it's not just me. Was this in Heat magazine?
  14. :lol: When has he ever been wrong before?
  15. Just reminded me of an American I once met who thought Loughborough was pronounced Loo-gah-ba-roo-gah
  16. Used to know they'd been into football for about 5 mins the instant someone rang up David Mellor on 6-0-6 and mentioned first up they were a season ticket-holder at 'The Bridge' or wherever.
  17. Fancy Sunderland to win that one like. Leicester are due a loss even if they are going to win the league.
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