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Everything posted by Alex

  1. There was loads of great 80s stuff around (and loads more shite, like every other decade I suppose) although I'm not sure I'd pick a Welsh bloke singing a 1950s song, in a 1950s style, wearing 1950s attire as a representation of its zenith
  2. All in the wrist, eh? Explains why I'm shit then. I'm decent at tennis though.
  3. Under Ashley, Pardew is about as good as it's going to get imo. There's no point swapping him for another moderately paid manager who isn't going to have much to spend. Also the odd season like last year now and again (if we're lucky) with mid-table being the norm is another thing we need to get used to. Changing the manager isn't going to change anything in the medium to long term. So I suggest you stick a tampon in and deal with it, Brevik.
  4. Alex


    Did a lush chilli yesterday. Perfect for this time of year.
  5. Don't know what one is so that's wasted on me. In fact, I don't know anything about it. I'm just repeating what I've heard some real nurses say.
  6. Aren't mental health nurses the nursing equivalent of traffic police anyway?
  7. Aye, I'll leave the shit wind-up attempts to you.
  8. She's a typical charva like, i.e. decent at 19, ropey at 23. A bit like mesel, y'knaa?
  9. Well they say there's nothing new under the sun I'll have a listen though, ta. Edit: Quite like that but it is like Detroit Techno and people influenced by that, like Dave Angel. Nothing that new or different. Dave Angel has a new-ish album out actually and it's a return to the lush synths and jazz influenced techno of his early work, before he got all commercial with that shit 'tech-funk' sound (I suppose we've all got to pay the mortgage).
  10. I was absolutely shit at badminton.
  11. ....you're not really a fan so don't give a fuck?
  12. That youtube clip of the goal in slow motion really was a thing of beauty. His balance and control of the ball is absolutely incredible.
  13. She wants to sack her PR team if Danny SImpson's the best they could come up with.
  14. There's always room for more money and it's not like he's going to be able to get a proper job.
  15. Tbh, that's bigger than I've seen her, i.e. the first two series of Mad Men but I'm sure like most of us her weight goes up and down a bit. Either way, she's fucking lush and, in my view, what most blokes want, rather than your ironing board with two tennis balls shoved under the cover, like most lasses on telly.
  16. He's hoping it'll be a turkey by Xmas.
  17. What's the average size of lasses in the UK like? Without googling I'm guessing it's size 16 or above.
  18. A budgie is a parrot Anyway, don't get one, CT. They should be flying about in the wild not stuck in a poxy cage.
  19. The occasional cigar is a different ball game but how people afford to smoke tabs is beyond me. Still, as smoking goes down obesity and teenage drinking etc. are on the increase. The UK seems to have a collective addictive personality.
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