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Everything posted by Alex

  1. I’m not against it per se but trialling it at the World Cup seems a bit daft to say he least
  2. I don’t even remember snogging the Fish
  3. Aye the side with a questionable penalty who showed zero ambition in the match definitely deserved to draw with the team who had numerous chances, at least two good penalty shouts and were the only ones trying to win.
  4. CT wearing his hat for the occasion
  5. Not getting at all carried away
  6. That fucking advert with him in Think it premiered around the time Visa stopped working for about 24 hours as well
  7. The best bit is, according to the UN's International Narcotics Control Board, the UK is the world's largest exporter of medicinal cannabis.
  8. I suppose it's a decent enough analogy, i.e. Johnson using something he knows fuck all about to describe something he's equally ignorant of
  9. Would be pleased just to see us get out of the group then see what happens. Not expecting a lot which has been my position for just about every tournament since '98
  10. Looks like a Gatesheed Spice Heed
  11. I would stop eating until you're sick, Adam Richman
  12. I wouldn't let that keep you awake at night.
  13. Head says England, heart says Tunisia?
  14. Btw, has anyone else noticed Kyle Walker looks like Jimmy Hill?
  15. Heart says 2-0, head says 1-1
  16. He didn't look like getting there and was badly position but he was still fouled. He should've been stronger too but a push in the back is a blatant offence. Not arsed like, the Swiss were worth their point. If it wasn't one of the big teams like Brazil I wonder how much coverage it would've got though
  17. Aye, I saw that. Quite refreshing. I like Marr generally but as s political interviewer he gives his guests such an easy ride it’s untrue. As for the Tories, what absolute chancers. Announcing this then pretty much admitting it’s made up by putting off until the budget how it’ll be paid for. Anyone buying it is a fucking moron
  18. Because they’re making it up as they go along and they’re desperate.
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