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Everything posted by thebrokendoll

  1. I don't and never have had a twitter account. have they changed the privacy side of it since it became x? anyway, I only get to see the embedded links people post on here, the very occasional visit to n.o. or stuff that people text me on whatsapp and that's limited to the tweet itself, the comments can't be viewed. seems to be commonly held opinion (that obviously doesn't mean it's factual) that spaniel lugs is a non seasonal ticket holder, has use of multis held by truefaith and regularly is a guest of journalists. not bad perks really for saying 'erm' more times than steve fucking gerrard. mind you, on the downside you get to have to be friends with alex hurst.
  2. think I might start doing loads of shite podcasts and youtube videos about how brilliant the box office is. before you know it I'll be dining with mandy on serene and tickets will never be an issue again.
  3. there's many reasons not to like tottenham, but that excruciating, dirge version of 'when the saints go marching in' alone is enough to hope they never win another game again.
  4. I have a whole host of other favourites. don't worry about that.
  5. just had a quick google. you'll have probably eaten half the chocolates in your advent calender before I appear again.
  6. who is this delightful, buxom young lady? she needs further research.
  7. if you got a ticket through resale for the dortmund game you can't enter the ballot for milan anyway apparently.
  8. the way @Gemmill has bleated like a baby ever since he was justifiably replaced as match thread starter leads me to the conclusion he has more in common with arteta than any fucker else.
  9. mind you, we certainly appeared to be playing a more cautious approach in league games against man city away and liverpool too against 10 men. get in to them and fuck them up..... as the old ditty goes!
  10. delete this abomination.
  11. me and me mate talking about this on the way home saturday, wondering as it stands if we'll ever get to an away game again or for that matter whether or not we'll ever get to even sit/stand together at a home game, both us are old fuckers, but very vocal. all a bit tragic really.
  12. our away support seems to be getting a hammering pretty much every game this season for one reason or another. makes me feel quite sad, certainly wasn't my experience last season.
  13. been having a browse on the arsenal thread in blemoon's general football section. this deluded fuckwit shows up and is absolutely slaughtered. I mean, I'm sure he'd drum up a fair bit of support for his noble cause on rtg, but fuck's sake are these cunts not aware that the rest of football has been mercilessly taking the piss out of arteta and their club for the best part of two days now? big hooray for arsenal and the red dippers though for trying to right ALL the wrongs of refereeing, whilst incredibly remaining deathly silent for the many that go in their favour.....
  14. monday fucking morning and I can't decide now what was the better, being at a tense, blood and thunder game (love a bit of that me!) with a well deserved victory at the end of it, or the 40 hours of subsequent fallout, both hilarious and cringingly embarrassing in equal measures. anyway....
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