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Everything posted by Blastronaut

  1. 🤣 Fair fucks, I'll take that. I'd argue I'm blessed with a far better hairline and all round better complexion, but then I don't put in anywhere near as much of an effort with with my attire or general appearance as Bomba here so I suppose it balances out.
  2. I know fuck all about them but I'd wager he's actually quite a sensitive and fairly decent soul outwith his public persona. Folk like him are why I never entertained or pursued the idea of getting into live sound or even being a roadie as a career option. Fuck that noise. I'll watch the drama from afar and might even buy a ticket, but bollocks to having to work with these folk for your main income.
  3. Probably nothing. That's just what happens when musicians* don't speak to or socialise with anyone other than other than other musicians or techies for any length of time. *Frontmen and guitar players are the absolute worst for it on the surface. Bassists and drummers less obviously so, they'll quietly dictate things from the shadows. It's all just infantile posturing to prop up ego's. Music industry 101.
  4. Pretty sure yer local South Shield's lads from The Wildhearts told TOTP's the lyrics to Caffeine Bomb were "baby can't you see I'm in deep water" when it was actually "I'm shitting brown water". They were invited back on at least twice. I see no harm in this unless you look at any of these folks long term career trajectory. As an aside your need to get MF jr onto the (early-mid 90's) Wildhearts if you haven't already. Even Paul Gilbert is a fan. Theres some really bizarre footage of Paul and Ginger playing as a dodgy half-baked acoustic duo in Japan back in the mid late 90's floating about on YouTube.
  5. I'm sure Paul Gilbert didnthis with an AC boost last in his chain (but all analog). That might work with the Rangemaster @Tom but it could squeal like a pig and oscillate. In my experience most effects loops don't like 32dB of boost thrown in there, but I've only ever tested with amps, the Helix could be a different kettle of fish. Come to think of it the Kilt might do similar if you crank the output dial, but not sure exactly how much it can amplify the signal.
  6. Out of curiosity @Tom, have you compared the Range master with the Helix "Derangedmaster" patch? I'm curious how similar they'd be. You might get away with touring one pedal lighter. If you're using it in full range boost mode then then a patch something similar to the mxr Micro Amp might get you into the ballpark but the signal wouldn't hit the Kilt quite as hot (~24dB boost Vs the Rangemasters 32dB). Just a thought. Would mean putting the Kilt in the effects loop of the helix though.
  7. In hindsight I probably should've just bought the book and the pry-bay.
  8. In the last 48 hours I've just bought a new garden shed and an Edgar Allan Poe book. I've really fucking missed having a shed and looking forward to freezing my knackers off and getting to read in peace under the guise of working. I've also bought a pry-bar, which was useful for lifting and levelling the paving slabs that the shed will sit on but will be even more handy if I get caught reading my Poe book in my new shed. I can use it to discretely break into someone else's shed and sit and read there instead.
  9. Classic Sopranos bit. "the guy you're chasing, he was with the Interior Ministry. He killed 18 Chechen Rebels singlehandedly". "you're not gonna believe this. Guy was an interior decorator. He killed 18 Czechoslovakians" "His house looked like shit"
  10. Don't be sorry. Folk genuinely talk like that roon' here, ken? Speaking of Mel and Braveheart, one of the most universally loathed pieces of public art in Scotland once briefly took pride of place in the middle of my hometown. Check out this absolute monstrosity:
  11. Food and beer in strip joint has always been braw in my experience. Their "record store" is diminutive but always throws in the odd must have. If you want a good record store up this way get out of Glasgow and head to Europa in Stirling. Scotland's largest independent record shop. Ewan's been running the place for longer than I've been alive. It's a serious Aladdin's. den. 20 minute drive, half hour on the train. Don't settle for the front shop, check out the back room and be sure to ask what he's got showed away upstairs.
  12. Lived round the corner from the Great Western Road branch years ago, was fucking devastated when it closed. Still frequent the one on Gordon St when we're in town. That said, Lebowskis and Strip Joint are a stones throw from the Hydro if you're just needing a drink out there.
  13. Ah that's shit for him. I'm no stranger to extended hospital stays and expecting to get home only to watch the hours roll by before eventually being told "actually no, you're here another few days at least" is always a bit demoralising. It's probably for the best though. Hey, at least he's isn't old enough yet to do stupid things like discharge himself because he thinks he knows better. Hopefully he's back to himself soon.
  14. Fair play to those kids spotting the difference between klones when the drive control was cranked. That's basically the main difference and is down to the clipping diodes. Usually when I build them I'll measure through a bunch of D9B and D9E diodes looking for pairs with the right forward voltage at different test currents since the tolerance.of.those things can be all over the place. Looks like a cool kit but I'm a bit surprised Josh didn't speak more about the diodes they use. But aye, the main difference between different Klon clones is usually down to the clipping diodes, which you won't notice if you use it as a clean boost rather than an overdrive. Which makes it pretty amusing that originally nals are so sought after and insanely expensive, considering they're known for being great clean boosts.
  15. Swings and roundabouts really. On the one hand I like to moan about it, on the other AM I FUCK sitting about the house watching the weans myself while she cuts about several different parcel drop off points, probably stopping for coffee or something in between each stop.
  16. Mrs B has been doing the same. It's a right pain in the hoop since it seems you've no control over what courier to use. Some days I've had to run around to 3 different places to drop off parcels. Totally infuriating. If shes not doing it deliberately to wind me up I'd say thing the only thing the platform has going for it (for sellers) is that buyers pay the Vinted fee's.
  17. Call me cynical but that sounds like "how to get Xmas temp staff in and have them graft more than your permanent employees" 101. I'm not trying to put you off going for it, just suggesting you don't go into it gung-ho hoping to impress them enough for a permanent contract and use that extra energy to keep looking elsewhere. If there was a permanent job available they wouldn't be fucking about offering 3 month temps jobs with the dangling carrot, they'd just hire folk with no protected characteristics and sack them in the first year if they were shite.
  18. Somebody surely pointed out to him that ffp aside, German teams are only competing on three fronts and have a winter break to look forward to.
  19. Cheers man. Got the word on Wednesday, I think I was up so late packing and shitting it I might still have been seriously drunk doing the school run on Thursday morning. I'm not even totally convinced I've actually slept since. Bulk of it is done, this is our last night here. Only glaring thing outstanding is giving the current neighbours a heads up that folk in hazmat suits will likely be out in the next few weeks to tear out the asbestos panels.
  20. Aye, builders man. Were they managing just fine until you took a week off? As an aside, I'm also ill as fuck and we're now flitting again tomorrow, 3 days notice. Second time in a year, four kids in tow. It's bittersweet. We've wanted away from here and have something better but weren't banking on blindsided by it happening at such short notice. Holidays? Fuck, our car is still sat in an industrial estate with no gearbox, halfway to our last holiday destination.
  21. Northern lights on November 5th? Come on, pull the other one.
  22. I'll concede it would've made a world of a difference if I'd listened to earlier and wed done it before we broke down on holiday last month, but then the kids would've been robbed of a valuable life experience.
  23. See, I'm still on the fence. Were going the same route but losing out a few hundred in disability benefits every month in favour of the car. It's more Mrs B that wants the shiny new car and peace of mind that comes with it. If I had my own way (and a driveway to work on the last motor) I'd be saying "there's a fucking bus stop across the road. It'll only be for as long as it takes me to source a new gearbox and learn how to fit it."
  24. Not guilty. Bought this shitheap because it had just been mot'd and everything else at that price was a non-runner. It's got so much "character" compared to a nice new car that we've not even tried stereo yet, been too preoccupied getting familiar with the weird sounds it makes. You know, standard stuff like the clock of the boot popping open when you turn on the rear wiper.
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