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Jusoda Kid

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Everything posted by Jusoda Kid

  1. pasty white skin, covered in T-bag stain like freckles and legs that turn the same colour as a tin of Prince's corned beef when he's cold. Sounds Lovely
  2. The Premiere must have been strange for Anna Friel. It's canny unusual for her to be at an event that she actually has something to do with. 40801[/snapback] Ooooooh you nasty pasty Very true though
  3. I knew this thread would bring out a few skeletons about right said fred and his mate
  4. Yeah, you can't knock her for taking the chance to make money out of being an imbecile, its the wankers who read these mags and who for some reason allow their lives to revolve around what celebs and minor celebs are doing/thinking/wearing/shagging etc. 40967[/snapback] Good point. A mate of mine's lass actually thinks she's part of this whole glossy mag thing when in reality she's a part time nurse. The thing is the stupid cow has convinced herself that she's not and now carries everything around in designer paper bags wearing a cheaper version of the things she's seen these so called celebs wearing in the aforementioned Glossy mags. IMO she would look more at home in a glossy wank mag looking at the get-up's she sports from day to day.
  5. My thoughts exactly, nowt like dragging something out. In fact i would go as far as saying it's starting to get on my tits
  6. Either the toilets in Rockshots have a broadband connection in them, or these two have a serious wireless connection set up
  7. Can i get a job there because you can't do any work judging by the amount of time you spend on this site talking shite (see what i done there) Just jealous like, Giz a job
  8. Hey Wacky, if you ever fancy a career change you could always try nursing. I think your understanding, empathetic side shines through. 40602[/snapback] "Just looking over your notes here, Mr. Lua Lua, and what's shining through is that you are....well......how to put this.....as thick as fuck. " 40829[/snapback] Actually thinking about it i should get a job for the NHS, I'm sure i could free some beds up in no time I blame my bringing up
  9. More like greases himself up with Goosefat, gets out his inflatable shark and writhes around on an old piece of Lino in the middle of the living room floor with it until he blows his beans out of his small pink speargun
  10. Surely Portsmouth would have made sure he'd had all necessary jabs/ tablets etc before going on International duty 40481[/snapback] You're still not 100% protected, but even if you are really unlucky and get it, it should be much less severe. Which leads me to think Lx3 didn't take anything. Stupid lad. 40484[/snapback] He wasn't going to get any sympathy off me anyway and if this is true it's just confirmed what i always thought, he's thick as fuck
  11. The way both sets of fans go on about the whole thing makes me fucking sick, backward inbred cunts if you ask me. My mother married a jock (celtic), not a bad bloke. Anyway they went up scotland a few years back for New Years eve, having a good night at some function when all of a sudden they all start chanting these religious songs and rolling there trouser legs up. My mother was disgusted and vowed never to go back again and mix with these neanderthal fuckas. I mean what fucking century are these cunts living in.
  12. Had my Ipod shuffle for a while now. Doesn't scratch, light as a feather and anyone who's got time to listen to more than 500 tracks in one sitting needs fucking help imo
  13. Jusoda Kid


    One less sponger, It's a start. You'll be using soap before you know it
  14. Canny. 40490[/snapback] Upstairs for thinking, downstairs for dancing
  15. You wanna buy some????????? Stilts!!!!!!! 40431[/snapback] Yes if you believe everything the Operator says:D 40434[/snapback] He's a dwarf a dwarf, It's plain to see to see, He's smaller than you and me, Wacky, Wacky! 40464[/snapback] I might only be 5'8", but lets face it I'm the big man in my house and you know it, which is more than can be said for you. The only time you get the honour of being the high and mighty in your abode is when your lass says "jump" and you say "how high?". What a fanny P.S I must have got my extra inches in the trouser department
  16. I wasn't kidding in my first post about it being a 'push and turn fitting. As long as it's a new cooker and there is no damage to the hose there shouldn't be a problem with doing it yourself. If your not sure just do it then ring the gas board and tell them you can smell gas, they'll check it for free.
  17. Aye, they reckon he's had a few nightmares lately
  18. 40453[/snapback] I get it, his eyes are like spanners and everytime you see him your nuts tighten
  19. Unless they've had kids 40451[/snapback] I was talking height, not width or circumference
  20. All the same size lying down etc
  21. seems to have a strange obsession with other blokes sack's
  22. Petrol is pretty flamable too you know 40427[/snapback] lol...yeah, i know im being irrational Plus we carry about 5 gallons of petrol in the back for the race car....what with that and the gas i shudder to think! 40433[/snapback] Got all the makings for the old Michael Jackson trick if you ask me.
  23. You wanna buy some????????? Stilts!!!!!!! 40431[/snapback] Yes if you believe everything the Operator says:D
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