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Everything posted by MMXXVIII

  1. He reminds me of an ex who was a proper Tracy Barlow/Amber Heard. Behind all bad behaviour is trauma. My immediate thought was Big Dick at Monty/North Fenham boys club but apparently he was Wallsend. I'd love to get him on camera and ask the questions others won't.
  2. My dad tells me a story of how he ticketlessly got in the 1976 Cup Final by getting pulled over a fence by his brother's pal. What happened involving Liverpool fans could have happened to a lot of clubs, it's their response to it that pisses me off.
  3. Didn't we used to pass a massive flag around the East Stand prior to kick off under Keegan or did I imagine that? It was the mid 90s and I'd be 'off my mash on ecstacy pipes' semi-regular so I'm questioning everything like timelines and the nature of reality now.
  4. All true and a pleasure to read. I was a but unnerved by Botman to begin with but he seems to be settling. I look forward to games now and I want to hold Man United by the nostrils whilst Stephenson pegs a red devil, if I'm being picky.
  5. Of all our managers I hate him the most. Lying, manipulative, sneaky cunt.
  6. Aye. Deein buckets again lads haha what ye like.
  7. What they, or indeed most, don't know is all energy is powerful and if you focus on anything for long enough you empower the object. They're making us like the bit when Adam electrolutes Cringer with a sword into becoming Battlecat.
  8. Mick Buxton always made me think of the school caretaker I wished I had.
  9. I think he likes inverted wingers because they can either shoot, or it opens up space for the fullbacks. For the first time I saw why he wasn't overly keen on Targett on Saturday.
  10. We're lacking the cleverness to open up teams doing to us what we'd do to teams under Rafa; we're much more threatening against teams who fancy turning us over - I'd not be surprised if we win 2 of the next 3. Howe's way of playing needs to continue and changes in personnel will make the difference. Maddison would have been the signing of the summer.
  11. Hunter S. Thompson style journals of weekends with his pal Savile.
  12. He seems to have a similar shelf life to the Wimbledon Womb Raider.
  13. Until the Mason intervention I thought it was all probably just incompetence. It's not, they're bent as fuck. Police need involved, but they're bent as fuck as well. Stop the world I wanna get off.
  14. For the last 10 years I've has no time for football but for us. Whenever I've seen Klopp he's seemed alreet, but I now see it was because we were pushovers. Get competitive and he needs sectioning, I look forward to his breakdown in February if he's still there.
  15. Aye the difference was they've developed a squad over time. The way Howe has us playing is a step up, couple of years we'll be beasting these cunts.
  16. I thought exactly this. Wilson isn't getting back in off the flashes from Isak tonight. Great stuff.
  17. Kick in the balls but far more positives than I expected from this. Isak looks top drawer. I know it was offside but that was class.
  18. I couldn't give a fuck about Klopp until the neet. What a bell, even Fergie is more likeable. Can't see him seeing the season out no matter what happens second half.
  19. I thought Batty was excellent in that run-in and big upgrade on Clark. Ginola and Ferdinand dipped when it mattered, and removing Gillespie to move Beardsley to the wing was a huge error.
  20. Looks like John Inman was placed in a Cocoon and they didn't have Nivea.
  21. Haaland's younger. The streak of piss has until West Ham.
  22. Well if you do one day, try wearing a tartan miniskirt and black tights.
  23. He'd run back here. We'll see where we're at but there's nee thumbing it in softly, reet, Polarboy?
  24. I backed Rafa with him because he looked an immobile for us, thought the youngins were just deprived. Cracking bit of work today, fuck him the Serbian cunt.
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