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Everything posted by MMXXVIII

  1. I thought this was interesting.
  2. Outside, on the grass.
  3. Steak and eggs every morning, sunshine.
  4. I know a lass on Onlyfans who makes £5 a minute talking to losers about shit and that. She wants me to kick her all over. I'm thinking 20%.
  5. If Howe gives an answer it'll just spawn a salvo of further questions resulting in him getting pissed off and reverting to the stance he's taken. These are no marks seeking a headline to boost their careers, they couldn't give a fuck about anything else.
  6. I've thought Howe would prove to be an amazing appointment from the beginning, but if I'm wrong I'd love Simeone. He gets the hardest man in the west end's approval.
  7. I'd need an ouija board to ask.
  8. I'm starting to feel flattered being mistaken for this chap.
  9. Anyone know if you can be selective with which Ukrainian refugees you house?
  10. Twice I've seen this question asked so I assume there are similarities in posts, but no I'm not 'Quiff'. I posted on here around 15 years ago for a few weeks, then forgot about the place. I can't even remember my username but even if I could, I doubt anyone on here would. I don't know why this place popped into my head recently, but it did so I browsed and felt like joining.
  11. Try switching off from everything and listening to music in frequencies 528, 432, 777 and 888hz. Sleep with a whatever you feel in the background and play whatever you feel as you're going about your daily business. Do this for a month.


    81 can easily be 82.
  13. Watching the full video and I think Coady is nailed on to be signed.
  14. Debbie Harry was oreet like.
  15. If there's a chance to be cunts they never miss. Isn't Abramovich's mam Ukrainian?
  16. Looks like he managed to breathe some stuff into them.
  17. 😄 you can do both. Especially if you roofy the chocs. And never hit her with a closed hand. Any more tips you gotta pay, losers.
  18. Played shite with the ball today but defensively we were excellent. I never expected to see that level of organisation and resilience at the back under Howe, looks like that spell out of the game had him work on it. Schar was great, Shelvey needs rested, and Saint-Maximin is still a little cunt.
  19. He's little cunt but he'll win us matches when the universe is working for him.
  20. Bitch dildos herself dry over the 'worst' boyfriend she's ever had.
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