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Ayatollah Hermione

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Everything posted by Ayatollah Hermione

  1. Think Tonali made sense tbh. Especially with the elephant in the room regarding Bruno possibly leaving. It’s a very Ashworth tactic: get the replacement for the star at the club before the star leaves in the first place. As for Barnes, I think the idea was to see plenty rotation down the flanks between Barnes, Gordon, Almiron and Murphy with Gordon potentially stepping into CF when needed. Don’t think you can underestimate just how much all of Howe’s plans have probably been torpedoed so far. Do agree Livramento should get more time like. But maybe Howe thinks Burn may get back to form with a settled run of games? Fair to say Tino is the future though. Also, you’ve lost versatility in Anderson and Willock which doesn’t help in the slightest. I think if you avoid the injury crisis, nobody is really questioning the summer window tbh. It’s just been massively unlucky
  2. I’m surprised that these have rested so many. They must be fucked after the Liverpool game. Time to put that Ream through his paces
  3. Something quite funny about Luton being Everton’s bogey team. Mind, they’d better not be ours as well
  4. You almost half want Sunderland to win. Only because their fans are willing them to lose
  5. I hope there’s a burgeoning Nederbeat revival scene in Luxembourg. Or whatever they listen to in Belgium
  6. I can’t recall too much funny happening to them last season really. Other than losing to Luton in the play-offs but it wasn’t as much of a car crash as previous years. Season 4 though. That’ll be some viewing
  7. Maidstone through so that’s Man United’s next home tie sorted
  8. And they wonder why their team accomplishes fuck all
  9. £15 an hour plus shift allowance for lates at Nissan?
  10. Fulham boycotting because of ticket prices today, apparently. Must be too cheap and the riff raff are getting in
  11. Everyone sussed him quickly but it doesn’t stop him
  12. Let’s hope the door doesn’t hit his teeth on the way out
  13. Our gaffer is the same with getting ex-forces lads working on the floor. He’s a billy bullshitter in the extreme though so our theory is that he wants them in so he can lie about being a sniper or bomb defusing expert in his previous years
  14. Something is afoot, like. Last time they had a transfer summit, Gordon came in not long after. Some cunt on loan in midfield would be my guess
  15. I think you’ll find every single private jet is chartered solely for football purposes and nothing else
  16. A kid I went to school with (fat charver) once “boxed” on one of Steve Wraith’s shit nights at the Dunston Fed. Top that
  17. Him singing in his second language would explain why I can only understand every third word
  18. Lascelles leaving and Tosin in on a free from Fulham in the summer could be a goer IMO. Or even a knockdown fee now
  19. Having a Hungarian dad might explain why he sings like he’s got a mouthful of sugar most of the time
  20. I remember him scoring a pretty inconsequential goal (for us) against Cardiff that pretty much sent them down and he ran the entire length of the pitch to celebrate What a fuckwit
  21. Glad we’re not neglecting the long term tbh. The only reason this kid would come here is for promised game time, you’d think
  22. That’s beyond tragic. Honestly, what are they hoping to achieve? Which team in red and white will be forced to endure them next?
  23. Edwards is saying we want Gibbs-White to replace Almiron. On the plus side, that would be a phenomenal signing. On the negative side, it’s Luke Edwards reporting it
  24. Any chance Sugar Puffs need us to advertise them again? Or whatever cereal it is they eat in Sunderland
  25. Not started yet, even with the stinking hangover yesterday. Just noticed your DM though so it’ll be getting watched. Just need the right combo of a Friday night in by myself with fuck all else to do
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