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Ayatollah Hermione

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Everything posted by Ayatollah Hermione

  1. At least they had the decency to confine it to one thread. Nothing worse than an inbred outbreak across the full board.
  2. Much like Highlander, there can be only one. Beye by a landslide. Consolation prize for Owen on his recent run but Beye's been consistently great, not to mention, a spiffy dresser.
  3. ELO's Greatest Hits. Evil Woman and Livin' Thing are wonderful. On a slightly less camp note, I also gave Jeff Buckley's Grace its weekly run-through. Never gets boring.
  4. Same bellend that done that Suicide countdown blog. Still get it like.
  5. Was there as much hype around Viana as there was Modric like? I can't remember.
  6. It happens at the back of my house all the time. Rather than park outside of their own house, they get up right next to mine. Twats of the highest order like.
  7. Go fuck yourself monkey Hanger. Take it back! Stelling is a legend! Him and Kamara. "It's unbelievable Jeff!!!" Never knew Tim Krul was doing commentary for Sky Sports.
  8. Dan Le Sac vs. Scroobius Pip - Angles Top class. Off to see them next Friday too. Can't wait.
  9. A Liverpool fan once told me that Sissoko was the greatest pure footballer he'd ever witnessed in his life. After that, I honestly can't take anything they say seriously. I eagerly look forward to your "THIS SEASON WE WIN IT" patter and I shall laugh heartily when you fuck it up again. And again. And again. At least our trips to the well in the quest for big club patter are relatively short rather than the 6 week camping trips that the Scousers have.
  10. It's important that, while Taylor is attempting to suck all of our cocks, we take care not to swallow his bollocks!
  11. This one isn't but he'd like to think it is.
  12. I think we will. Granted, I haven't seen Spurs run-in but West Ham and Everton are probably winnable games.
  13. Saltwell Park, you say? Might pop down then. Never seen two retards go at it before.
  14. Thank God. That six match unbeaten run had me worried for a bit.
  15. Quite interested in this considering I don't have any real vested interest in it with England out. Portugal have got some great players coming through, haven't they? And they have Ronaldo so I'm thinking they might do well. Love it if they crashed out in the groups mind.
  16. Someone will give you a craic one of these days
  17. I can be on woodblock. They call me The Human Metronome. Nearly put a 'G' in 'Metronome' there
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