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Everything posted by Gejon

  1. Please tell me you at least tried their horse balls?
  2. Just noticed he was trying to get his forum going again in January
  3. Gejon


    Probably still are, there's a player who would thrive in that league going for free.
  4. Gejon


    I predict the next we will hear of him will be a crime, another crime, another crime, bankruptcy, more crime, remember that lad? Noel Ryder or something? He was a twat wasn't he.
  5. Hope he doesn't find out my twitter name is @iamafuckingmoron
  6. There is always disappointment when a favourite is delayed coming back from injury but things happen. I doubt Pardew is holding him back for the sake of it though so I would personally just put it down to getting a little over-excited/ahead of himself about a player he has very often praised coming back and looking okay.
  7. I agree, sadly I think some people actively want him to fail just to prove a point. That's not to say CT hasn't gone OTT about the lad but Ferguson has shown to have some qualities and I think his size is over-emphasised as a weakness. I'm never really confident of a youngster stepping up but the child in me always gets a bit carried away when one of them shows some first team promise which SF has.
  8. I would guess the majority are setting our standards to the scouting team but are also hoping we get some young players through the youth system and believe getting them experience out on loan is the best route.
  9. Don't hot spices also increase your metabolism (that could be bollocks)?
  10. Have they been banned? Just seems awfully quiet all of a sudden.
  11. I did that on my birthday, wrote some comments on a film only for someone to quote an earlier post of mine that was almost identical about said film It does explain a lot tbh.
  12. Well yeah it's shit but it's the only thing that seems to have affected the club from his other businesses. Even his Southern stores stock very little NUFC merchandise. The fucktard!
  13. Which Ireland is this? Could put the Celtic fans in a right situation if he is playing for the country they love and their hero is getting called up for the country they hate The Elliot/Forster head to head would at least be more interesting than their usual patter I suppose.
  14. Definitely likes a drink, if those rants aren't him drunk then he does have serious mental problems.
  15. Do you believe you have lost 3 pounds of fat in a day and it is sustainable, do you also believe you should be weighing yourself every day and putting any faith in the results?
  16. Fair play for losing that weight, I really hope you manage to keep it off
  17. I think it's 'dangerous' because it isn't sustainable. There's a reason most people don't lose a load of weight quickly and keep it off. There would be a lot less obese people around if it was that easy.
  18. Jabba in the linked article was training 3 times a day, doing mostly the same training as boxers preparing for a fight at >20 stone (him, not the boxers). He obviously wasn't doing exactly what they were doing but he was putting in a good 3 hours worth of hills sprints, tire flipping, sledge hammers, weights, pad work, boxing circuits etc.. every day which I think would easily eclipse a 3-4 mile run/cross trainer.
  19. Have you been sitting in salt baths and the like? If you want to think it's sustainable that's your choice but it's really not Do you honestly think you have lost 3 pounds of fat in one day?
  20. I don't disbelieve you, just seems mad! I am very good friends with a lad who lost 11 stone last year (was nearly 30st at about 5ft 7), so given people of that size tend to lose weight quickly and we was averaging 2-3 pounds a week losing that much in less than 3 weeks just sounds mental to me Here's an article on him btw http://www.thecomet....stone_1_1458604
  21. I used to prefer blow jobs over sex but once you get them on a regular basis (she's a good girl wor Henry) you realise sex is much better.
  22. 19 pounds in 3 weeks? This thread You've got CT losing nearly 3 pounds in a day, Stevie losing around 6 pounds a week. Are people literally cutting things off?
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