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Everything posted by Toonpack

  1. That's why who is paying for the loan players is important. It doesn't appear to be to Ashley's benefit to do TRFC a favour, it would seem to be in his interest to have them owe him more money as he is in firmer control over what makes money (or what has value) increases. They are overspending (losing) £800K a month, that shortfall is covered by loans from SD secured on the retail business (which is profitable) and all the assets of worth of TRFC (excluding £1brox). If TRFC are paying for the loaned players they are using the money loaned by SD (Ashley), so in effect are paying NUFC (Ashley) for the privilege, but not reducing, but likely increasing, their indebtedness to SD (Ashley). If NUFC are picking up the tab, that would be outrageous and would certainly increase evidence of undue influence.
  2. It's delicious, because I fucking despise the two bigoted arse cheeks in Glasgow and having followed the Rangers saga closely the enablement granted to them by the authorities during the whole corrupt fiasco is unreal. The fact that Rangers are now victims of the emperor of bloodsucking cunts, having been that themselves to the game in Scotland, with SFA complicity going back to Murray and his BoS relationship, is what is delicious.
  3. It's regular competitive football at a higher level than the U21's but I doubt the player development had much to do with it. Anyone heard if any loan fees involved ?? Ashley (via SD) loans "The Rangers" money to keep the lights on, yet any fees for these players come to NUFC (i.e. Ashley) so he could be actually using up some of those emergency loans to pay himself back via the NUFC player fees and wages savings, but (and this is the good bit) Rangers would still owe him the full amount. Which is delicious if it's what he's doing.
  4. Related to that evidently, anyway, no doubt the content will surface again on Skunkers as the lad who posted has put it up on FB (I'm not linked to can't see it) that poster has been given a temporary ban, which is in itself causing consternation as Skunkers is supposed to have a no banning under any circumstances policy.
  5. Not 100% sure, but someone was dogging him about hitting women, then published a PM that LM sent to him and it went from there evidently. Typically it was in a Fred thread set up to keep his "When will Ashley match Fred and the Hall's" etc stuff in one place, - and yes it didn't work on Skunkers either.
  6. http://www.skunkers.net/showthread.php?t=76999&page=2 Thread talks about the meltdown, which I never saw, but thread itself containing meltdown has gone.
  7. LM melted down on Skunkers yesterday evidently, threatening calling in the Police and Lawyers etc with alleged screen grabs as evidence, after, of course, he'd changed his avatar from a dog in a burka and edited some of his own posts to remove the less than PC content.
  8. It's an additional 26% of the retail business on top of the 49% SD already owns. Also from 2017/18 future income from shirt sponsorship belongs to Rangers Retail, not the club. He's gutting them.
  9. This 100%, if you replace "top" with better and "big" with some. Also applies if he's keeping the decks clear for a sale.
  10. Where the online buys are assigned to was my first thought for the London numbers
  11. http://www.philmacgiollabhain.ie/the-sevco-experiment/#more-5748
  12. The damage will have been done, there's no way (unless he's losing his touch) Ashley wouldn't have anticipated either King or Park etc. calling an EGM. The club can't last 7 weeks without external funding (they need a big lump by the end of Jan, anything from £4 Mill to £10 Mill depending on which stories you read) so either they have to take it from Ashley secured against Ibrox/Auchenowie (sp?) or King or Park etc have to put it in, but they (King/Park) can't secure any loan as Ashley's got that tied up with his application. I can't believe any businessman will give the current board £10Mill unsecured, so if they won't, Ashley's £10 Mill is the only game in town. Even if they do, expect it to disappear to satisfy one of the onerous contracts and then Ashley have to step in again before the 7 weeks is up. Even if EGM happens and King changes the board, fully expect Ashley's contracts to be watertight and him to remain the major creditor. As major creditor he can control any insolvency event if he wants one - see what he just did with USC - with Duff and Phelps as admins Interestingly the current £10Mill loan proposal isn't from Ashley via MASH holdings, it's from the Sports Direct subsidiary that owns 49% of Rangers Retail Ltd. Whilst we all know that is in reality Ashley, in pure legal terms it's a commercial agreement between two corporate entities so no way can SFA or SPFL use it in terms of the undue influence situation. Only Ashley will know what his endgame is, but I suspect he's just doing what he does, i.e. attacking a distressed brand to make sure he owns all the bits that are profitable to make him/SD some moolah and I reckon those plans have been in place from the start given his involvement with Charlie boy. Am still not convinced Craig Whyte's out of the equation yet either.
  13. IMO, it's not nearly enough, they're losing around £10 Mill a year where they are now. £20 Mill would get him one year of standing still. They are light years away from the other cheek of the arse (and others now). They lose 10+ of their squad in the summer. I reckon £40-£50 Mill to challenge in the SPFL and even then it'll take time to get there all the while the support dwindles as they are unsuccessful and we know he doesn't do subsidy.
  14. He got it back before they went pop, just not 100% transparently, so he can peddle the I put in £20 mill myth. (he got £11 mill back in 2008 in Saffer Rand from Rangers). He's a criminal and according to a judge "a glib and shameless liar". Wouldn't or certainly shouldn't pass any fit and proper test. The scenes last night were The Rangers at their bigoted horrible best, hope Ashley guts them.
  15. He's getting involved to make money, he already has their retail stitched up via SD (and owns their image rights I believe) if he ends up owning all the assets he can lease/rent them back to the football club and whoever runs that.
  16. A disaster !!!! Only for Rangers, ask any fan of any other club and it's the best thing that's happened for just about ever. It's a myth perpetuated by the Scottish media who are in The Rangers pocket. Hearts, Aberdeen (top of the Premier league) Dundee Utd, Motherwell and a few others are now completely debt free. Rangers became successful due to financial doping with money they didn't have, hence the collapse, the old clubs success was basically based upon cheating and fraud (EBT's). Their crowds are down to around 14-15K The only clubs hurt by Rangers demise are the Huns themselves and Celtic (who's turnover is down £10 Mill a year), everyone else is on the up.
  17. No way they can repay these loans, so yep they'll hang themselves so he'll get to own all the assets etc. he doesn't need to own the football club, he can let some other mug do that and pay him for the privilege, whilst he also owns all the retail etc. SFA etc. can't do anything about it.
  18. He's up in front of the SFA (or The Rangers are) for Ashley having undue influence over The Rangers. He wanted to increase to 29.9% to ensure he could influence everything his way but SFA kyboshed that but even with his 10% holding he's managed to get his grubbies on everything of value, assets, retail and image rights etc. SFA is full of old Rangers men, they won't do anything, anyway it looks like it's too late. Llambias and the new Finance Director (who resigned tens of directorships related to SD prior to taking the position) have nothing to do with Ashley at all and he has no influence on the day to day running of The Rangers
  19. He won't own the football club and won't need to. He's played (playing) a blinder. He will own ALL of the assets (and retail income streams btw) anyone who want's to run a football club out of £1brox will have to pay him for the privilege and he will have no interest or concerns over the costs of running aforesaid football club. It's brilliant !!!!!
  20. Agree to a point, but in the current system the tough decisions are taken down party lines irrespective of how informed every MP is, how often is there a free vote.
  21. Party Politics should be dead, with the modern technology and the internet, why do we need someone, who we likely didn't vote for, to vote "on our behalf" by proxy on anything, we could easily vote ourselves.
  22. It's not particularly graphic tbh, and I don't usually watch anything "gruesome". Bit like the end of Butch Cassidy and the Sundance kid, how they never shot each other !!! That said, copper who goes into the supermarket alone to flush the fucker out deserves a big medal
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